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张桂玉, 丁继勇, 乔 然.水资源配置PPP项目运营期风险管理行为博弈分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2022,33(3):58-65
Game analysis of risk management behavior of water diversion PPP projects during operation period
中文关键词:  水资源配置工程  PPP项目  运营期  风险管理行为
英文关键词:water diversion project  PPP project  operation period  risk management behavior
基金项目:广东省水利科技创新重点项目(2020-03); 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(KYCX22_0701)
张桂玉, 丁继勇, 乔 然 (河海大学 商学院 江苏 南京 211100) 
摘要点击次数: 1013
全文下载次数: 377
      The active risk management behaviors of core stakeholders in the operation process of water diversion PPP(public-private partnership) projects can reduce the probability of project risk occurrence. From the perspective of risk management, through the analysis of stakeholder relationship of water diversion PPP projects, the behavioral decision-making evolutionary game model of government subject and social capital (project company) in the risk management process of water diversion PPP projects during the operation period is constructed, and the dynamic evolution process is analyzed by MATLAB. The results show that the factors influencing the choice strategy of evolutionary stable behaviors include the cost actively managed by both the government and social capital, the loss caused by risk events such as water pollution and loss distribution coefficient, feasibility gap subsidy and reward. In order to promote effective risk management in the operation process of water diversion projects, it is suggested to strengthen the risk management capacity building of both the government and the social capital, implement the responsibility sharing mechanism, improve the supervision mechanism and optimize the reward and punishment mechanism.
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