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马小燕, 朱晓雯, 赵金涛, 石 云.1995-2015年宁夏沿黄城市带蒸散发时空变化特征水资源与水工程学报[J].,2022,33(2):216-224
Temporal and spatial variation characteristics of evapotranspiration along the Yellow River Urban Belt in Ningxia from 1995 to 2015
中文关键词:  蒸散发量  Penman-Monteith模型  Budyko假设  Morlet小波分析  气候倾向率  宁夏沿黄城市带
英文关键词:evapotranspiration  Penman-Monteith model  Budyko hypothesis  Morlet wavelet analysis  climatic tendency rate  the Yellow River Urban Belt in Ningxia
马小燕1, 朱晓雯1, 赵金涛1, 石 云1,2 (1.宁夏大学 地理科学与规划学院 宁夏 银川 750021 2.宁夏(中阿)旱区资源评价与环境调控实验室 宁夏 银川 750021) 
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      利用宁夏沿黄城市带6个气象站1995-2015年逐日观测资料,基于Penman-Monteith模型、Budyko假说分别估算宁夏沿黄城市带1995-2015年潜在蒸散发量(ET0)和实际蒸散发量(ET),采用Morlet小波分析、气候倾向率等统计方法,分析宁夏沿黄城市带1995-2015年实际蒸散发、潜在蒸散发时空分布和变化情况。结果表明:1995-2015年宁夏沿黄城市带ET0多年均值为831.585 mm、ET多年均值为710.551 mm,实际蒸散发ET远小于潜在蒸散发ET0;宁夏沿黄城市带ET与ET0关系符合正比假设理论,水分供应条件变化下,ET与ET0均呈现明显的增加趋势,为正相关关系;宁夏沿黄城市带1995-2015年各季节平均蒸散发年际变化总体呈增大趋势,但是也有很明显的时段特征,即先增加后下降再回升,通过滑动t检验确定2006年为突变年;1995-2015年宁夏沿黄城市带年平均蒸散发及气候倾向率空间分布整体呈现由东北向西南“低-高-低”相间分布的空间格局。
      Based on the daily observation data at six meteorological stations along the Yellow River Urban belt in Ningxia from 1995 to 2015, we estimated the potential evapotranspiration (ET0) and actual evapotranspiration (ET) using Penman-Monteith model and Budyko hypothesis, and analyzed the temporal and spatial distribution and changes of ET and ET0 using Morlet wavelet analysis, climatic tendency rate and other statistical methods. The results show that the mean ET0 of the urban belt from 1995 to 2015 was 831.585 mm and the mean ET value was 710.551 mm, ET was much lower than ET0. The relationship between ET and ET0 was in line with the hypothesis of proportionality, under the change of water supply conditions, both ET and ET0 showed an obvious increasing trend, presenting a positive correlation. The overall inter-annual variation of the mean evapotranspiration in each season showed an upward trend during 21 a, but it also presented obvious phase characteristics, which increased first, then decreased and then rose again. 2006 was the abrupt change year according to the sliding t test. The distribution of annual mean evapotranspiration and climatic tendency rate of the urban belt during 21 a presented a spatial pattern of “low-high-low” from northeast to southwest.
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