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陈树峰, 孔令伟, 李焕焕, 李 刚.基于压缩曲线特性的超固结土水平应力分析方法水资源与水工程学报[J].,2021,32(6):193-199
Analysis and calculation method of lateral earth pressure by K0 stepped blade test based on compression curve characteristics
中文关键词:  超固结土  水平应力  压缩曲线  粉质黏土  原位试验
英文关键词:overconsolidated soil  lateral earth pressure  compression curve  silty clay  insitu test
基金项目:陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目( 2021JQ-870); 陕西省教育厅一般专项项目自然科学专项(21JK0961); 西京学院高层次人才专项基金(XJ20B11); 国家自然科学基金项目(41877281)
陈树峰1,2, 孔令伟2,3, 李焕焕1, 李 刚1 (1. 西京学院 陕西省混凝土结构安全与耐久性重点实验室 陕西 西安 710123 2.中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所 岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室 湖北 武汉 430071 3.中国科学院大学 北京 100049) 
摘要点击次数: 750
全文下载次数: 335
      在传统的KSB原位水平应力试验线性分析方法中,通常由于e-lg p压缩曲线局部线性假设与实际情况的差异,导致超固结土分析结果与实际值相差较大。针对上述难题,以哈尔滨市某超固结粉质黏土地层原位水平应力试验结果为基础,通过水平向压缩试验模拟KSB贯入过程中土体的侧向力学响应,建立了基于压缩曲线特性的KSB非线性分析方法,从试验机理角度分析了该方法的适宜性,并提出了其应用的判定条件。研究结果表明:传统线性法在超固结土分析中存在数据线性规律不强、预测值偏高等适用性问题,该场地线性分析法数据优良率仅为33%,而非线性法的数据优良率则高达75%,不同深度处线性法所得水平应力均高于非线性法结果,约为后者的1.2~2.2倍;传统线性法对于超固结土的适用性问题本质上是由e-lg p曲线非线性所致,提出接触压力参数λ与非线性参数η对此进行定量表征,发现线性法误差Δp0随着λ的增大先增大后减小,同时随η的增大而增大。在工程实践中,非线性法更适用于超固结土、结构性土等压缩曲线非线性显著的土体,当λ>1时,传统线性法简便易行且精度较高,建议使用,否则建议采用基于压缩曲线特性的非线性法分析。
      In the conventional linear calculation method of lateral earth pressure by K0 stepped blade (KSB) test, there is a certain error caused by the difference between the fact and the local linear assumption of e-lg p curve, which leads to a large difference between the prediction results and the actual measurements for overconsolidated soils. In view of that, a series of in situ tests were conducted on the structural silty clay of an overconsolidated stratum in Harbin City. Horizontal compression tests were employed to investigate the mechanical response of the lateral soil during penetration. A nonlinear calculation method for KSB was established based on the characteristics of horizontal compression curves. Moreover, the applicability of the proposed method was analyzed from the perspective of experimental mechanism, and the judgment condition for its application was formed. The results show that the conventional linear method had the disadvantages of low linearity of the data and overestimated lateral stress, the effective data of this method only reached 33%, whereas that of the nonlinear method exceeded 75%. Moreover, the lateral stresses calculated by linear method were 1.2-2.2 times higher than that by the nonlinear method. Further analysis indicates that the above phenomena mainly resulted from the nonlinearity of e-lg p curves of overconsolidated soil, which were quantified by the contact pressure index λ and nonlinearity index η. The deviation of linear method Δp0 firstly increased, then decreased with the increase of λ, but increased with the increase of η. In practical engineering, the nonlinear method is suitable for soil with high nonlinearity of e-lg p curves, such as structural soil and overconsolidated soil. When λ>1, the linear method is recommended because it is simple and convenient with accurate prediction results; otherwise, the nonlinear method is recommended.
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