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靳春玲, 党丹丹, 贡 力, 魏晓悦, 贺思乐.改进G1-RS-UMT模型在某配水工程围岩稳定预测中的应用水资源与水工程学报[J].,2021,32(6):186-192
Application of improved G1-RS-UMT model to stability prediction of surrounding rock in a water resources allocation project
中文关键词:  水工隧洞  未确知测度理论  改进G1-RS法  围岩稳定预测  珠江三角洲水资源配置工程
英文关键词:hydraulic tunnel  unascertained measurement theory  improved G1-RS theory  stability prediction of surrounding rock  Pearl River Delta Water Resources Allocation Project
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51969011); 甘肃省科技计划项目(20JR10RA274、20JR2RA002、20JR7RA301)
靳春玲1, 党丹丹1, 贡 力1, 魏晓悦1, 贺思乐2 (1.兰州交通大学 土木工程学院 甘肃 兰州 730070 2. 国网甘肃省电力公司白银供电公司 甘肃 白银730900) 
摘要点击次数: 808
全文下载次数: 326
      The stability of the surrounding rock is the prerequisite for the safe and stable operation of hydraulic tunnel projects. Taking the hydraulic tunnel of a water resources allocation project as the research object, aiming to improve the prediction accuracy of surrounding rock stability grade of long-distance water conveyance tunnels, a multi-factor hydraulic tunnel surrounding rock stability prediction index system was constructed, and the stability grades of the surrounding rock of different tunnel sections were categorized. Then, G1-improved RS theory was adopted to weight the impact indicators subjectively and objectively, and game theory was used to calculate the combined weights. Finally, based on the unascertained measurement theory (UMT), an improved G1-RS-UMT model was proposed to predict the stability grade of the surrounding rock. The results show that among the nine typical sections of the hydraulic tunnel in the B4 section of a water resources allocation project, the surrounding rock of GS19+590-GS20+050 is in an unstable state, and the other eight sections within the mileage range of GS21+340-GS28+061 are all in partially stable state. According to the comparative analysis, the prediction result of the improved G1-RS-UMT model is more accurate than that of the TOPSIS model, and the degree of consistency between the predicted result and the actual situation has increased from 66.67% to 88.89%. This research provides a new approach for the prediction of surrounding rock stability of hydraulic tunnels with more accurate and effective prediction results.
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