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胥鹏海, 刘 亮, 刘 晶, 张 喆, 秦 璐, 李笑笑, 郑 兴, 王东琦.曝气条件对侧流活性污泥水解工艺脱氮性能和微生物的影响水资源与水工程学报[J].,2021,32(6):35-40
Effect of aeration condition on the nitrogen removal performance and microorganisms in side-stream activated sludge hydrolysis process
中文关键词:  侧流活性污泥水解  曝气条件  微生物脱氮  微生物群落结构
英文关键词:side-stream activated sludge hydrolysis(SSH)  aeration condition  microorganism nitrogen removal  microbial community structure
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52070156); 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2020JM-460); 陕西省教育厅科研计划项目(17JS097)
胥鹏海1, 刘 亮1, 刘 晶1, 张 喆2, 秦 璐2, 李笑笑2, 郑 兴2, 王东琦2 (1.中圣环境科技发展有限公司 陕西 西安 710054 2.西安理工大学 水利水电学院 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 1317
全文下载次数: 369
      The effects of aeration conditions on the nitrogen removal performance in conventional anaerobic-anoxic-oxic (A2/O) and side-stream activated sludge hydrolysis (SSH) reactors were investigated by changing the aeration intensity and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, and the changes in microbial community structures were also studied. The results showed that the nitrogen removal performance of the two reactors in low and medium DO concentrations was better than that in high DO concentration. Under the same influent condition, the nitrogen removal performance of SSH reactor was better than that of A2/O reactor, and its effluent concentration met the Class A standard. High-throughput sequencing results showed that low to medium DO concentrations were more beneficial for the growth of the microorganisms for nitrogen removal. A higher relative abundance of denitrifying microorganisms was observed in SSH reactor compared to A2/O reactor. Therefore, Maintaining low to medium DO concentrations of aeration conditions is conducive to the SSH process to achieve effective nitrogen removal performance and the growth of microorganisms for nitrogen removal.
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