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于剑桥, 乔宏霞, 朱飞飞, 王新科.西部盐雾腐蚀环境下基于Wiener模型的纤维混凝土损伤劣化研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2021,32(4):185-193
Damage and deterioration mechanism of fiber concrete in salt spray corrosion environment in west China based on Wiener model
中文关键词:  纤维混凝土  盐雾腐蚀  损伤劣化  Wiener模型
英文关键词:fiber reinforced concrete  salt spray corrosion  damage deterioration  Wiener model
于剑桥1, 乔宏霞1,2, 朱飞飞1, 王新科1 (1.兰州理工大学 土木工程学院甘肃 兰州730050 2.兰州理工大学 西部土木工程防灾减灾教育部工程研究中心, 甘肃 兰州730050) 
摘要点击次数: 990
全文下载次数: 426
      结合我国西部地区察尔汗盐湖特点,通过配制与盐湖卤水相同SO42-浓度的腐蚀溶液,以钢纤维(STF)体积掺量(1%、2%)和玄武岩纤维(BF)体积掺量(0.1%、0.2%)为变化参数,对混凝土进行共计200 d周期的室内盐雾腐蚀加速试验,模拟纤维混凝土在盐湖地区的耐久性损伤劣化。采用随机效应约束条件下建立了Wiener相对动弹性模量退化模型,对混凝土剩余寿命进行可靠度预测。结果表明:钢纤维掺量为2%、玄武岩纤维掺量为0.1%的混凝土耐久性损伤变化量最小,所预测的剩余寿命为354 d;掺入适量的钢-玄武岩纤维能够有效改善混凝土在盐雾腐蚀环境下的耐久性损伤劣化过程;改进的Wiener模型预测结果与实测结果吻合较好,具有较高的可靠性。研究成果可为西部盐湖地区土木建设提供理论参考依据。
      Based on the characteristics of Chaerhan Salt Lake in west China, the corrosion solution with the same SO42- concentration as the salt lake brine was prepared, and the volume content of steel fiber (STF) (1% and 2%) and basalt fiber (BF) (0.1% and 0.2%) were used as variable parameters in the laboratory accelerated salt spray corrosion test for a total period of 200 days to simulate the durability damage deterioration of fiber reinforced concrete in the salt lake area. In order to provide a theoretical reference for the civil engineering construction in this area, a relative dynamic elastic modulus degradation Wiener model was established with random effect constraints, with which the residual life of the concrete was predicted and the reliability of the prediction result was evaluated. The results show that when the STF content is 2% and BF content is 0.1%, the change of concrete durability damage is the smallest, and the predicted residual life of the fiber concrete is 354 d. Adding appropriate amount of steel and basalt fiber can effectively improve the durability damage deterioration of the concrete in salt spray corrosion environment. The prediction results of the improved Wiener model are in good agreement with the measured data, which indicates that the model is reliable.
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