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刘 昉, 周世佳, 戚园春, 吴敏睿, 张 剑, 徐国宾.凌汛期堤防漫顶溃口破坏规律断面模型试验Ⅰ:黏性土堤水资源与水工程学报[J].,2021,32(4):132-141
Cross section model test for embankment overtopping breach patterns during ice flood season Ⅰ: Cohesive soil embankments
中文关键词:  黏性土堤  凌汛期  物理模型试验  漫顶溃决  溃口发展
英文关键词:cohesive soil  ice flood season  physical modelling experiment  overtopping outburst  breach development
刘 昉1, 周世佳1, 戚园春1, 吴敏睿1, 张 剑2, 徐国宾1 (1.天津大学 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室 天津 300354 2.天津大学前沿技术研究院有限公司 天津 301700) 
摘要点击次数: 1024
全文下载次数: 441
      The abundant ice in the river during the ice flood season clogs the river course and makes the water level rise, which poses a great threat to the safety of the embankments along the river. In order to investigate the law of overtopping failure of cohesive soil embankments during ice flood season, a physical model of laboratory flumes was established. By changing the water content of embankment body and the flow in the river, the breach patterns, breach development and water level change under ice flood condition were simulated and analyzed. The results show that the ice extrusion plays an important role in the failure process of the embankment body. The water content of the dike and the flow of the river have significant effects on the process of the embankment failure. Compared with the flood condition, the development of the failure under ice flood condition is relatively slow in the early stage, but more intense in the middle and late stage. Furthermore, the peak water level in front of the dike under ice condition is higher than that under flood condition.
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