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张 旭, 李占斌, 张 洋, 袁水龙, 李 鹏.基于MIKE耦合模型的绿化率对城市内涝影响研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2021,32(3):137-144
Influence of greening rate on urban waterlogging based on MIKE coupling model
中文关键词:  城市内涝  绿化率  MIKE FLOOD耦合模型  西安市
英文关键词:urban waterlogging  greening rate  MIKE FLOOD coupling model  Xi’an City
张 旭1, 李占斌1,2, 张 洋3, 袁水龙1, 李 鹏1 (1.西安理工大学 西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室 陕西 西安 710048 2.中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室 陕西 杨陵 712100 3.西安国际港务区农业农村和水务局 陕西 西安 710026) 
摘要点击次数: 1034
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      为了进一步了解强降雨条件下城市内涝的形成过程及地表淹没情况,以西安市新城区为研究对象,设定不同比例的绿地面积,建立了城市洪水的MIKE FLOOD耦合模型,对比了不同情景下城市绿化对地面积水和内涝风险的削减效果。结果表明:随着城市绿化面积比例的增加,3、5、10、20年一遇降雨下的积水淹没范围得到了有效控制,其中绿化面积比例为35%时削减效果最为明显。研究区0.05 m以上水深的淹没面积比现状分别减少了20.64%、20.83%、18.42%、18.40%;积水历时20 min以上的淹没面积比现状分别减少了31.18%、24.40%、24.55%、23.33%;内涝风险总淹没面积比现状分别减少了30.26%、23.98%、23.25%、23.07%。随着降雨重现期的增加,城市绿化对内涝的削减效应会减弱。
      In order to further understand the formation process of urban waterlogging and surface submergence under heavy rainfall, taking Xi’an New District as the research background, we established a Mike FLOOD coupling model of urban floods with the setting of different proportional green areas. With this model, the mitigation effect of green area on the accumulation of surface water and waterlogging risk under different scenarios were compared. The results show that with the increase of the proportion of urban green area, the submerged areas under the rainfall of 3 a, 5 a, 10 a and 20 a have been effectively controlled, especially when the proportion of green area is 35%. The submerged area with the water depth of more than 5 cm reduced by 20.64%, 20.83%, 18.42% and 18.40% respectively, and the decrease rate of the submerged area with the water accumulation time of more than 20 min was 31.18%, 24.40%, 24.55% and 23.33% respectively. Furthermore, the percentage of submerged area at the risk of waterlogging decreased by 30.26%, 23.98%, 23.25% and 23.07% respectively. However, the mitigation effect will be weakened with the increase of rainfall recurrence interval.
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