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邱 磊, 孙 龙, 于 钋, 王卓然, 李 伟, 林 锦, 鲁程鹏.水利行业地下水监测系统水位埋深数据质量评估与对比水资源与水工程学报[J].,2021,32(3):58-63
Quality assessment and comparison of groundwater depth data measured by groundwater monitoring systems
中文关键词:  地下水埋深  国家地下水监测工程  动态监测  统计学  质量评估
英文关键词:groundwater depth  National Groundwater Monitoring Project  dynamic monitoring  statistics  quality assessment
邱 磊1, 孙 龙2, 于 钋2, 王卓然2, 李 伟3, 林 锦3, 鲁程鹏1 (1.河海大学 水文水资源学院 江苏 南京 210098 2.水利部信息中心 北京 1000533.南京水利科学研究院 江苏 南京 210029) 
摘要点击次数: 1224
全文下载次数: 527
      目前,我国水利行业有人工报送(人工站)和自动传输(自动站)两套地下水监测数据。地下水监测数据对展现地下水动态分布特征和提供超采治理依据起着重要作用,因此,对地下水水位埋深监测数据进行质量评估与对比具有重要意义。基于2 800个人工站和10 298个自动站的2018年同期地下水水位埋深资料,采用统计学方法,从完整性、合理性、代表性、一致性4个方面对两套地下水埋深数据进行质量评估和对比。结果表明:自动站与人工站相比,水位埋深数据缺失率由13.53%降为6.39%,异常率由1.63%降为0.84%,两套监测数据空间分布特征的差异及动态变化趋势的可比性表明,国家地下水监测工程水位埋深数据质量优于人工站。
      At present, there are two sets of groundwater monitoring data in China, which are manual submission (manual stations) data and automatic transmission (automatic stations) data. Groundwater monitoring data plays an important role in revealing the dynamic distribution characteristics of groundwater and providing statistical support for the control of its overexploitation. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate and compare the quality of the groundwater depth data measured by different monitoring systems. Based on the measured data of groundwater depth from 2 800 manual stations and 1 0298 automatic stations in the same period of 2018, we adopted statistical methods to evaluate the quality of groundwater monitoring system data from four aspects of integrity, rationality, representativeness and consistency. The results show that the average missing rate of groundwater depth data of automatic stations was reduced from 13.53% to 6.39%, and the abnormal rate was reduced from 1.63% to 0.84% compared with that of the manual stations. The difference of spatial distribution characteristics of the two sets of data, and its comparability of dynamic change trends all indicate that the quality of groundwater depth data of the National Groundwater Monitoring Project is better than that of the original manual stations.
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