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郭 晖, 钟 凌, 郭利霞, 张洪江, 陈向东.淤地坝对流域水沙影响模拟研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2021,32(2):124-134
Simulation on impacts of check dams on runoff and sediment load in a watershed
中文关键词:  径流量  输沙量  淤地坝  SWAT模型  西柳沟流域
英文关键词:runoff  sediment load  check dam  SWAT model  Xiliugou Basin
郭 晖1,3, 钟 凌2, 郭利霞2, 张洪江1, 陈向东3 (1.北京林业大学 水土保持学院 北京 100083 2.华北水利水电大学 水利学院河南 郑州 450046 3.中国水权交易所 北京 100053) 
摘要点击次数: 1453
全文下载次数: 470
      In SWAT model, the built in reservoir model was modified based on the characteristics of check dams to set up the check dam module, with which the impacts of check dams on runoff and sediment load in a watershed was studied, and then the model was verified in the simulation of Xiliugou Basin which is one of the ten tributaries in Inner Mongolia. Taking 1980-1990 as the calibration period and 2006-2015 as the verification period, the simulated runoff and sediment load of Longtouguai station fit well with the observed value, and the linear fitting coefficient (R2) and the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (ENS) were both greater than 0.6, which indicates that the built in reservoir mode can be used for the simulation of check dams. The simulation results show that when the other parameters remain unchanged, the check dam has a certain impact on the runoff and can intercept part of it, moreover the check dam can greatly reduce the sediment load. Check dams can affect the confluence process of a basin to some extent, making the simulated runoff larger than the observed value in the months after the flood season. Compared with the empirical formula method, SWAT model can improve the accuracy of the simulation on impacts of check dams on runoff and sediment load in a watershed. In order to make better use of SWAT model for these simulations, the check dam module needs to be further improved.
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