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季小兵, 马玉其, 王新友, 杨疆卫, 朱成刚.基于1960-2018年实测径流与水文学方法的开都河生态流量分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2020,31(6):17-23
Analysis of ecological instream flow of Kaidu River based on hydrological methods and measured runoff data from 1960 to 2018
中文关键词:  生态流量  径流  水文学方法  开都河
英文关键词:ecological instream flow  runoff  hydrological method  Kaidu River
基金项目:科技部科技基础资源调查专项(2019FY100203); 国家自然科学基金重点项目(41630859); 博斯腾湖流域生态用水保障的可持续性与水量调度及工程布局专项研究项目(Y951251)
季小兵1, 马玉其1, 王新友1, 杨疆卫1, 朱成刚2 (1.新疆维吾尔自治区塔里木河流域巴音郭楞管理局 新疆 库尔勒 841000 2.中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011) 
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      为科学地确定河流生态流量,保障流域水安全与生态环境健康,基于开都河大山口水文站1960-2018年的实测径流数据,采用Tennant法、典型水文频率年法、最枯月平均流量法和Qp法等4种水文学方法计算了河流的生态流量,通过对比分析确定基于Tennant法的计算结果最为适宜。计算结果表明:开都河大山口水文站10-翌年3月的平均生态流量应不小于15.60 m3/s,对应最小生态环境需水量为 2.47×108 m3;4-9月的平均生态流量应不小于46.15 m3/s,对应最小生态环境需水量为7.30×108  m3,全年生态流量平均不小于30.88 m3/s,对应最小生态环境需水量为9.77×108  m3。该生态流量目标可满足开都河大山口至博斯腾湖河段的河道径流损失,保证河流基本生态功能与水生态安全。计算分析结果可为开都河河流生态流量管理提供支撑。
      In order to investigate the ecological instream flow and ensure the water security and ecological environment health of the river basin, the proposed analysis was carried out on the ecological instream flow of Kaidu River by four hydrological methods including the Tennant method, the typical hydrological year method, the driest month average flow method and Qp method based on the measured runoff data of the Dashankou Hydrological Station from 1960 to 2018. Comparative analysis suggests that the calculation result of Tennant method is the most suitable. The average ecological instream flow of Kaidu River at Dashankou Hydrological Station from October to March of the following year should be no less than 15.60 m3/s, and the corresponding minimum ecological environmental water requirement is 2.47×108  m3. Whereas the average ecological instream flow from April to September should be no less than 46.15 m3/s, and the corresponding minimum ecological environmental water requirement is 7.30×108  m3. Furthermore, the average annual ecological instream flow is no less than 30.88 m3/s, and the corresponding minimum ecological environmental water demand is 9.77×108  m3. It is found that these objectives of ecological instream flow can make up for the water loss of the section between the mountain and Bosten Lake of Kaidu River, ensure the basic ecological function of the river and the security of water ecology, as well as provide support for the ecological instream flow management of the river.
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