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盛子涵, 蒋晓红, 龚志浩, 王 阳.基于海绵城市建设理念的圩垸地区城市排涝主要设计参数优化方法水资源与水工程学报[J].,2020,31(5):164-170
Design parameters of urban drainage in polder areas based on sponge city construction concept
中文关键词:  海绵城市  城市排涝  设计参数  优化方法  非线性规划  排涝泵站  圩垸地区
英文关键词:sponge city  urban drainage  design parameter  optimization method  non-linear planning  drainage pump station  polder area
盛子涵1, 蒋晓红1, 龚志浩1, 王 阳2 (1.扬州大学 水利科学与工程学院江苏 扬州 225009 2.扬州市水利勘测设计研究院有限公司 江苏 扬州 225000) 
摘要点击次数: 1797
全文下载次数: 512
      针对圩垸地区的城市排涝问题,基于海绵城市建设理念,以城市圩区排蓄工程总费用现值最小为目标函数,以海绵城市建设标准下的泵站外排能力、排涝设计标准下的泵站外排能力与圩内水面率和下沉式绿地率等排涝主要参数的关系、城市生态需水量等为约束条件,以泵站外排能力、水面率、下沉式绿地率、透水铺装率等为决策变量,构建非线性数学模型,采用罚函数法进行求解。对常州市新北区北部新城高铁片区排蓄工程进行了实例分析,得出排涝流量为61.28 m3/s、水面率为11.97%、下沉式绿地率为51.77%、透水铺装率为15.00%的优化方案,取得了良好效果,为圩垸地区城市排涝主要设计参数优化提供了一条新的途径。
      In order to solve the drainage problem and minimize the total water drainage and storage cost in urban polder areas, an optimization model is developed with the present minimal total cost as the objective function, based on the construction concept of sponge city. In this model, constraints include pumping capacity according to the sponge city construction standards, the relationship between pumping capacity and main drainage parameters such as surface water ratio and sunken green space ratio in the polder area according to the design standards of drainage, and the urban ecological water demand. The decision variables are pumping capacity, surface water ratio, sunken green space ratio and permeable pavement ratio. This model is a non-linear mathematical model using penalty function method. It was then applied to the water drainage and storage project in Xincheng high-speed railway district, north Xinbei of Changzhou. The results of the drainage discharge, surface water ratio, sunken green space ratio and permeable pavement ratio were 61.28 m3/s, 11.97%, 51.77% and 15.00% respectively, optimal results were achieved. This model provides a new approach to the optimization of main design parameters of urban drainage in polder areas.
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