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张乾坤, 李 红, 汤 攀, 孙彩珍.阀门调节式比例施肥泵吸肥部件改进设计及试验研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2020,31(4):186-192
Improved design and experimental research of fertilizer suction structure of a valve-regulated proportional fertilization pump
中文关键词:  比例施肥泵  吸肥腔体  单向阀  改进设计  进出口压差  施肥比例
英文关键词:proportional fertilization pump  fertilizer suction cavity  check valve  improved design  pressure difference between inlet and outlet  fertilization ratio
张乾坤, 李 红, 汤 攀, 孙彩珍 (江苏大学 流体机械工程技术研究中心 江苏 镇江 212013) 
摘要点击次数: 918
全文下载次数: 424
      阀门调节式比例施肥泵具有价格低廉、可依靠三通阀调节施肥比例、结构较一般施肥泵更简单、零部件更少的优点,但该施肥泵还存在部分结构不合理、应用范围较窄的缺点急需改进。以减少施肥泵零部件、提高其应用范围为目的,对施肥泵的吸肥部件进行了改进设计,并为验证其施肥性能开展了与原产品的比较试验研究。试验结果表明:改进施肥泵较原产品有更大的压差应用范围,在进出口压差为0.04~0.40 MPa范围内可以保持每周期吸肥量的高均匀性,最大施肥比例在进出口压差为0.10~0.40 MPa的范围内稳定在0.62%。表明吸肥部件的改进设计具有可行性和高稳定性,从而扩大了施肥泵的应用范围。研究结果可为比例施肥泵的整体设计及优化提供参考。
      The valve-regulated proportional fertilization pump has many advantages, including low price, fertilization ratio adjustment of three-way valve, simpler structure and fewer parts; however, it also faces some shortcomings that need addressing, such as structural defects and small application range. In this paper, in order to reduce the parts of the fertilization pump and improve its application range, an improved design of the fertilizer suction components was proposed. Then the performance comparison test between improved fertilization pump and the original product was carried out. The test results show that the improved fertilization pump has a larger pressure difference application range than the original product. The uniformity of fertilizer suction per cycle can be maintained within the range of 0.04 MPa-0.40 MPa, and the largest fertilization proportion can be stably maintained at 0.62% within the range of 0.10 MPa-0.40 MPa. It shows that the improved design of the fertilizer suction component is feasible and highly stable, which can expand the application scope of the fertilization pump. The research results can provide some guidance for the overall design and optimization of proportional fertilization pumps.
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