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石文豪, 李 奇, 韩 琼, 王铁军, 陈 喜, 张永根.基于不同优化算法的土壤水分特征曲线模型模拟性能分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2020,31(4):157-165
Performance analysis of soil water retention curve models based on different fitting optimization algorithms
中文关键词:  土壤水分特征曲线  拟合优化算法  van Genuchten模型  Biexponential模型  差分演化算法  粒子群算法
英文关键词:soil water retention curve  fitting optimization algorithm  van Genuchten model  Biexponential model  differential evolution algorithm  particle swarm optimization
石文豪1,2, 李 奇1,2, 韩 琼1,2, 王铁军1,2, 陈 喜1,2, 张永根1,2 (1.天津大学 地球系统科学学院表层地球系统科学研究院 天津 3000722.天津市环渤海关键带科学与可持续发展重点实验室 天津 300072) 
摘要点击次数: 1218
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      土壤水分特征曲线反映了包气带土壤孔隙中水分质量与能量之间的基本关系,同时也间接反映出土壤内部的孔隙情况。土壤水分特征曲线模型对实测土壤持水数据的拟合效果不仅取决于所选用的模型,还依赖于对拟合算法的选取。基于UNSODA 2.0数据库中世界各地实测土壤持水数据,采用多种高效拟合算法(遗传算法、粒子群算法、模拟退火算法、差分演化算法)对4种应用广泛的土壤水分特征曲线模型(Brooks-Corey模型、van Genuchten模型、Kosugi模型、Biexponential模型)进行研究,旨在获取最适宜拟合土壤水分特征曲线的模型与拟合算法。结果表明:van Geunchten模型对较细和较粗质地土壤的实测持水数据拟合效果较好;Biexponential模型在中等质地土壤类型下的拟合效果较好;而Brooks-Corey模型拟合效果整体较差;粒子群算法与差分演化算法对土壤水分特征曲线的拟合效果最佳;模拟退火算法在运算效率上高于其他算法,当需处理的数据量较大时使用该算法可显著缩短运算时间。研究成果可以为农田水利、生态水文等研究中土壤水力参数的选取提供指导和参考。
      Soil water retention curve reflects the basic relationship between the mass and energy of water in vadose zone, and indirectly reflects soil pore size distribution. The fitting accuracy of soil water retention curve model depends not only on the model, but also on the selection of the fitting algorithm. In order to obtain the most suitable combination of model and fitting algorithm, a variety of fitting algorithms were used to investigate the fitting performance based on a soil database (UNSODA 2.0). Four widely used soil water retention models (i.e., Brooks-Corey model, van Genuchten model, Kosugi model and Biexponential model) and four fitting algorithms (i.e., genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm and differential evolution algorithm) were selected to compare the differences among the models. Results show that van Geunchten model has excellent performance in fine and coarse textured soils. Biexponential model outperforms in medium textured soils, while Brooks-Corey model has poor overall fitting effect. Particle swarm optimization algorithm and differential evolution algorithm have the best fitting performance in fitting soil water retention curves. The computing efficiency of simulated annealing algorithm is more efficient than the other algorithms. When the amount of data to be processed is large, this algorithm can significantly reduce the operation time. The results of this study can provide some reference for the selection of soil hydraulic parameters in the field of farmland irrigation and ecological hydrology.
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