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陈建国, 张晓宏, 张俊发.高海拔地区大容量机组尾水管进口压力的控制研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2020,31(4):86-89
Draft pipe inlet pressure control of large capacity generation units in high altitude areas
中文关键词:  大容量机组  导叶关闭过程  尾水管进口压力  水力过渡过程  高海拔地区
英文关键词:large capacity unit  guide vane closure procedure  draft pipe inlet pressure  hydraulic transition process  high altitude area
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目( 51279162)
陈建国, 张晓宏, 张俊发 (西安理工大学 水利水电学院 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 1057
全文下载次数: 492
      In order to meet the specification requirements for the draft pipe inlet pressure, it is crucial to select a rational guide vane closure procedure in the hydraulic transition process of large capacity generation unit in high altitude areas, which is one of the most common and economic measures for the safety operation of the hydropower station. In this paper, taking a hydropower station with large capacity generation unit in a high altitude area as the study object, we adopted characteristic line method to calculate the closure procedures using transition process simulation software. The results show that choosing the appropriate broken-line closure procedure of the guide vane can effectively improve the draft pipe inlet pressure of such hydropower stations, so as to meet the control standard which is revised based on the high altitude. The research plays an important guiding role in the application of specifications to the draft pipe inlet pressure control of hydropower stations with large capacity generation units in high altitude areas.
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