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彭 普, 李 泽, 张小艳, 胡 政, 陈 瑜, 刘 诚.基于安全性和经济性多目标优化的岩质边坡锚固计算方法水资源与水工程学报[J].,2020,31(3):220-227
Rock slope anchoring calculation method based on safety and economy multi-objective optimization
中文关键词:  岩质边坡  锚固计算  多目标优化  安全性  经济性  安全系数  非线性数学规划模型
英文关键词:rock slope  anchoring calculation  multi-objective optimization  safety  economy  safety coefficient  nonlinear mathematical programming model
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51564026); 昆明理工大学人才培养项目(KKSY201904006)
彭 普, 李 泽, 张小艳, 胡 政, 陈 瑜, 刘 诚 (昆明理工大学 建筑工程学院 云南 昆明 650500) 
摘要点击次数: 1097
全文下载次数: 642
      Taking the jointed rock slope as the research object, the multi-objectives of safety and economy nonlinear mathematical programming model of rock slope anchorage is established based on the extreme value theory of plastic mechanics. This model uses safety coefficient of the sliding surface and the anchor cost as the objective functions, and the direction of the anchoring force, the length of the anchors, the shearing force and normal force of the structural plane as the decision variables. It combines the equilibrium equation constraint of the rock blocks, the yield condition of the structural plane and the additional constraints of the anchors. According to this model, the safety coefficient, optimal anchor cost and optimal anchoring angle are obtained using the linear weighted sum method. This method has the merits of clear concept and high calculation accuracy.
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