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尹 剑, 张建清.基于音频大地电磁测深法数据的不良地质体探测研究——以西藏某水利工程为例水资源与水工程学报[J].,2020,31(3):180-185
Detection of unfavorable geological bodies based on the data of audio magnetotelluric sounding method: A case study of a water conservancy project in Tibet
中文关键词:  音频大地电磁测深法  二维反演  正演模型验证  隐伏断层  不良地质体  青藏高原
英文关键词:audio magnetotelluric sounding method (AMT)  two-dimensional inversion  forward modeling verification  buried fault  unfavorable geological body  Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
尹 剑1,2, 张建清1,2 (1.长江勘测规划设计研究有限责任公司 湖北 武汉 430010 2.长江地球物理探测(武汉)有限公司 湖北 武汉 430010) 
摘要点击次数: 1409
全文下载次数: 747
      作为一种经济、高效的地球物理方法,音频大地电磁测深法被广泛地应用于水利工程勘察中,但在青藏高原高海拔地区实施并不容易。以西藏地区某水利工程为研究对象,基于音频大地电磁测深数据,采用视电阻率拟断面图、一维和二维反演成像、正演模型验证等技术手段,结合区内其他地质和地球物理资料进行综合地质解释,分析了研究区下方1 km以浅的沉积层、岩石基底和含水断裂带等主要构造。结果表明:音频大地电磁测深法在西藏水利工程勘察中具有较强的适用性及可靠性;对探测隐伏断层、富水区等不良地质体有很好的应用效果;该方法约束出的地下电性结构异常具有较强的地质意义,可以用来指导水利工程的选址及施工。
      As an economical and efficient geophysical method, audio magnetotelluric sounding method (AMT) has been widely used in water conservancy engineering investigations, but its implementation in high altitude area of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is complicated. In this study, with a water conservancy project in Tibet as the research object, we used apparent resistivity pseudo section map, one and two-dimensional inversion imaging and forward modeling verification methods to analyze the main structural components of the shallow sedimentary layer, rock basement and water bearing fracture zone 1 km under the study area, based on the AMT data and other geological and geophysical data in this area. The results show that AMT has strong applicability and reliability in the investigation of water conservancy projects in Tibet with the advantages of finding the buried faults, water-rich areas and other unfavorable geological bodies. The discovered electrical anomalies herewith hold strong geological significance to the surveys of location and construction of water conservancy projects.
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