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李喜林, 于晓婉, 曹 娟, 尚方方, 杜传洋, 马佳递.蛇纹石-黏土复合颗粒除氟的动态实验研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2020,31(2):13-18
Dynamic experiments of fluoride removal of serpentine-clay composite particles
中文关键词:  蛇纹石  黏土  复合颗粒  动态除氟  反应动力学  吸附剂参数
英文关键词:serpentine  clay  composite particle  dynamic fluoride removal  reaction kinetics  adsorbent parameter
基金项目:国家重点研发计划重点专项(2017YFC1503106); 辽宁省百千万人才工程项目(2018C01); 大学生创新性实验计划项目(201810147182)
李喜林1, 于晓婉1, 曹 娟2, 尚方方1, 杜传洋1, 马佳递1 (1.辽宁工程技术大学 土木工程学院 辽宁 阜新 123000 2.阜新市生态环境保护服务中心 辽宁 阜新 123000) 
摘要点击次数: 1410
全文下载次数: 544
      为研究蛇纹石-黏土复合颗粒的除氟性能,采用室内动态实验探讨了复合颗粒在不同氟离子浓度、不同吸附柱高度和不同流速下对含氟水除氟效果的影响及其吸附动力学过程。试验结果表明:吸附剂的动态吸附容量与吸附剂高度、原水氟离子浓度呈正相关,而与进水流速呈负相关;吸附剂传质区长度与进水流速、吸附剂高度及原水氟离子浓度均呈正相关。吸附动力学拟合结果显示:蛇纹石-黏土复合颗粒对水中氟的吸附动力学符合Yoon and Nelson方程,平衡吸附容量与吸附剂高度呈正相关,与进水流速呈负相关。随着初始氟离子浓度的增加,到达吸附平衡时间缩短,吸附容量逐渐增大。
      To study the fluoride removal properties of serpentine-clay composite particles, the effects of different fluorine ion concentration, adsorption column height and flow rate on the removal efficiency of fluorine-containing water and its adsorption kinetics were studied by laboratory dynamic experiments. The results showed that the dynamic adsorption capacity of adsorbent was positively correlated with the height of adsorbent and the concentration of fluorine ions in raw water, whereas negatively correlated with the inlet flow rate. The length of mass transfer zone was positively correlated with inlet velocity, adsorbent height and fluorine ion concentration in raw water. The adsorption kinetics fitting results showed that the adsorption kinetics of serpentine- clay composite particles on fluorine in water was in line with the Yoon and Nelson Equations. The equilibrium adsorption capacity was positively correlated with the height of adsorbent, but negatively correlated with the inlet flow rate. With the increase of the initial fluorine ion concentration, the time to reach the adsorption equilibrium was shortened and the adsorption capacity gradually increased.
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