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开 鑫, 刘 亮, 杨海华.高温气候下沥青混凝土心墙连续碾压施工结合面温控试验研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2020,31(1):194-199
Temperature control of joint surface of asphalt concrete core wall under the condition of continuous construction at high temperature climate
中文关键词:  碾压式沥青混凝土心墙  施工层间结合面  高温  侧向变形  压实性能  孔隙率  应力应变
英文关键词:roller compacted asphalt concrete core wall  joint surface between construction layers  high temperature  lateral deformation  compaction performance  porosity rate  stress-strain
开 鑫, 刘 亮, 杨海华 (新疆农业大学 水利与土木工程学院 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052) 
摘要点击次数: 1498
全文下载次数: 1083
      In situations of continuous multi-layer construction of the asphalt concrete core wall at high temperature climate of summer, it is required to wait for the joint surface temperature to reduce to the upper limit of 90℃ according to the specification. In order to shorten the waiting time, indoor tests were conducted to simulate the scenario of paving two consecutive layers of the core wall with increased joint surface temperature. we studied the compaction and deformation of asphalt concrete with the joint surface temperature of 90℃, 100℃ and 110℃ and verified the results with in-situ tests. The results showed that when the binding surface temperature of the core wall asphalt concrete reduced to 100℃, the porosity rate of the upper asphalt concrete was 2.88%, and the maximum lateral strain of the lower asphalt concrete was 2.78%. Whereas the porosity rate of the upper asphalt concrete was 3.85 % and the maximum lateral strain of the lower asphalt concrete was 4.0% when the joint surface temperature was 110℃. The in-situ field results indicate that the porosity rate and permeability coefficient of the upper asphalt concrete at the joint surface temperature of 100℃ can meet the specification requirements. Therefore, when multi-layers of the asphalt concrete core wall are being compacted continuously with increased joint surface temperature of 100℃, the construction quality can be guaranteed.
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