Temperature-control curtain (TCC) is an effective selective withdrawal facility to alleviate adverse effects of thermal stratification in deep reservoirs leading to low temperature water discharging. Based on the measured data of a certain deep reservoir, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic and temperature simulation model was established and calibrated to explore the effect of material permeability factor on water temperature increasement and overall stress performance. The characteristics of flow field, temperature field and overall stress of TCC were analyzed by setting several conditions of water temperature distributions. The simulation results showed that when the material permeability of the curtain increased to 7%, the discharge water temperature gradually decreased. The effect of water temperature enhancement comparing with no TCC condition was reduced from 2.31℃ to 0.33℃. As the material was permeable to water, the overall stress of the impervious curtain was 1242 t. For the 2% water permeability curtain that met the demand for the discharge water temperature, the overall stress was 293 t. To select appropriate curtain materials, the requirement of water temperature, the mechanical characteristics and economic factors should be taken into comprehensive consideration in real application. It is suggested that the average permeability of curtain material should not exceed 2% in this project.