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田改垒, 张志红, 陈 杨, 白顺果.考虑扩散势作用的多离子扩散模型及影响因素分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(6):212-217
Multi-ion diffusion model and its influence factors considering diffusion potential
中文关键词:  多离子溶液  扩散势  扩散模型  多离子运移
英文关键词:multi-ion solution  diffusion potential  diffusion  multi-ion transport
田改垒1, 张志红1, 陈 杨1, 白顺果2 (1.北京工业大学 城市与工程安全减灾教育部重点实验室 北京 1001242.河北农业大学 城乡建设学院 河北 保定 071001) 
摘要点击次数: 1159
全文下载次数: 564
      扩散是成岩作用、溶质在沉积物和地下水中运移等过程中的重要机制。实际工程中主要是多离子共存系统,已有研究忽略了离子带电产生的静电效应对扩散进程的影响,使得各离子间的相互作用在扩散模型中未得到体现。基于经典Fick定律,考虑离子间静电效应产生的扩散势作用,借助电中性约束条件,通过推导建立了考虑扩散势作用的多离子扩散模型,采用COMSOL Multiphysics有限元软件对多离子的扩散行为开展了数值模拟,重点分析了扩散势影响因素的作用。结果表明:扩散势对阳离子的扩散具有加速作用,对阴离子的扩散具有阻滞效果。当阴离子扩散系数相同时,扩散势对离子的加速作用随阳离子扩散系数的减小逐渐增强。当溶液中阴、阳离子扩散系数均固定时,扩散势对离子的加速作用随离子价位的增加略有提高。
      Diffusion is an important mechanism for many processes including diagenesis and solute transport in sediments and groundwater. Multi-ion system is common in practical engineering, but the influence of electrostatic effect on diffusion process caused by ion charge has been neglected in previous studies, and the interaction between ions has not been embodied in the diffusion model. In this paper, based on the classical Fick Law, a multi-ion diffusion model considering diffusion potential was proposed by derivation with the aid of electrical neutrality constraint, in which the diffusion potential effect caused by the electrostatic between ions was considered. The finite element software COMSOL Multiphysics was occupied to conduct a series of numerical simulations to determine the influence of diffusion potential. The results showed that the diffusion potential accelerated the diffusion of cations and inhibited the diffusion of anions. When the anionic diffusion coefficients kept the same, the acceleration effect of the diffusion potential on ions increased with the decrease of the cation diffusion coefficient. When the diffusion coefficients of anions and cations in solution were constant, the acceleration effect of diffusion potential on ions movement increased slightly with the increase of ion valence.
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