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张 旭, 李占斌, 何文虹, 霍春平, 时 鹏, 袁水龙.基于MIKE URBAN的西安市中心城区雨洪过程模拟水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(6):157-163
基于MIKE URBAN的西安市中心城区雨洪过程模拟
Simulation of flood process in the central urban area of XI’AN based on MIKE URBAN
中文关键词:  排水系统  内涝  中心城区  MIKE URBAN  雨洪过程模拟  排水能力  西安市
英文关键词:drainage system  waterlogging  central urban area  MIKE URBAN  simulation of flood process  drainage capacity  Xi’an City
张 旭1,2, 李占斌1,2, 何文虹3, 霍春平3, 时 鹏1,2, 袁水龙1,2 (1.西安理工大学 西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室 陕西 西安 7100482.西安理工大学 旱区生态水文与灾害防治国家林业局重点实验室 陕西 西安 710048
陕西 西安 710016) 
摘要点击次数: 1472
全文下载次数: 621
      城市排水管网的分布与建设是城市基础设施建设的重要组成部分,城市的排水能力关系到城市服务功能的正常运转。通过城市雨洪过程的分析,可以评价城市洪涝灾害。以西安市中心城区为研究对象,利用MIKE URBAN构建排水管网模型,根据模拟结果对研究区管网排水能力进行评估,分析易涝成因。结果表明:MIKE URBAN能够较好地模拟城市管网水位、流量变化及易涝点的分布情况。根据西安市暴雨强度公式,设计不同重现期(1、2、3、5a)的降雨过程,在1a降雨过程下,研究区90%以上管道处于满流状态,60%以上的检查井发生溢流,满流管段数和溢流井个数会随着降雨频率的增加而增加,但增幅相对减少;管道设计标准普遍偏低、下垫面不透水率增大、地形等因素是导致地面积水的主要原因。研究成果可为城市内涝防治及海绵城市建设提供理论基础和技术支撑。
      The distribution and construction of urban drainage network is an important part of urban infrastructure construction, and the drainage capacity of the city is related to the normal operation of urban service function. Urban flood disaster can be evaluated through the analysis of urban flood process. The MIKE URBAN was used to construct a model of pipe drainage network to assess the drainage capacity of the central urban area of Xi'an City based on the simulation results and to analyze the causes of waterlogging. The results showed that MIKE URBAN can simulate the distribution of water level, flow rate and waterlogging point in urban pipeline network. According to the formula of rainstorm intensity in Xi ' an, the rainfall process of different return periods (1a, 2a, 3a, 5a) was designed. Under the process of 1a rainfall, more than 90% of the pipeline in the research area is in full flow state, and more than 60% of the inspection wells overflow, and the number of full flow pipes and overflow wells will increase with the increase of rainfall frequency, but the increase speed is relatively reduced. The general low pipeline design standards, the increase of impermeable rate of the underlay surface, topography and other factors are the main causes of water accumulation on the ground. The research results can provide theoretical basis and technical support for urban waterlogging control and Sponge city construction.
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