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杨滢嘉, 张丹蓉, 庄会波, 刘 江, 管仪庆, 邵广文.弥河流域平原区地下水埋深时空变化特征及可开采性分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(6):102-108
Spatial-temporal variation characteristics of groundwater depth and analysis of its exploitability in Mihe River Basin Plains
中文关键词:  地下水埋深  时空变化特征  相关性分析  普通Kriging插值  可开采性  弥河流域
英文关键词:groundwater depth  spatial-temporal variation characterisctics  correlation analysis  ordinary Kriging interpolation method  mineability  Mihe River Basin
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51579067); 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”项目〖
杨滢嘉1, 张丹蓉1, 庄会波2, 刘 江2, 管仪庆1, 邵广文1 (1.河海大学 水文水资源学院江苏 南京 2100982.山东省水文局山东 济南250000) 
摘要点击次数: 1529
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      针对弥河流域平原区地下水不合理开采利用的现象,采用1985-2015年地下水位监测资料,运用相关性分析法、普通Kriging插值法研究地下水埋深时空的动态变化及分布特征,并分析其影响因素,同时结合GIS和水位动态法划分超采区,评价地下水开采适宜度。结果表明:受气候变化和人为活动的双重影响,弥河流域平原区地下水埋深整体呈逐年增加趋势,年内地下水位2-3月最高,5-6月降至最低;埋深空间分布受地形影响,自西南向东北减小,青州与寿光交界处在1995年左右出现小范围降落漏斗,漏斗中心地下水埋深逐年增加;至2015年,研究区可适宜开采区主要分布于寿光、青州、临朐等市县,面积710.2 km2,仅占全区总面积的21.0%。
      Aiming at solve the unreasonable exploitation and utilization of groundwater in the plain area of Mihe River Basin, we used the monitoring data of groundwater level from 1985 to 2015 to study the dynamic variation and distribution characteristics of groundwater depth in time and space and to analyze the influencing factors by correlation analysis and ordinary Kriging interpolation method. In addition, the overexploitation area was divided to evaluate the suitability of groundwater exploitation by combining the GIS and the water level dynamic method. The results showed that, the groundwater depth in the plain area of Mihe River Basin increased year by year due to the influence of climate change and human activities, and the groundwater level was the highest in February to March and the lowest in May to June. The spatial distribution of buried depth was affected by topography, decreasing from southwest to northeast. A small range of funnel appeared at the junction of Qingzhou and Shouguang in 1995, and the buried depth of groundwater in the center of funnelwas increasing year by year. By 2015, the suitable mining areas in the study area was mainly distributed in Shouguang, Qingzhou, Linqu and other cities, with an area of 710.2 km2, accounting for only 21.0% of the total area.
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