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李丹阳, 方国华, 黄显峰.基于总量和强度控制的区域水资源承载能力评价研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(5):134-139
Evaluation of regional water resources carrying capacity based on total quantity and intensity control
中文关键词:  水资源承载能力; 水资源总量; 水资源强度; 模糊综合评价  南京市浦口区
英文关键词:water resources bearing capacity  total water resource  water resources intensity  fuzzy comprehensive evaluation  Pukou District of Nanjing City
李丹阳, 方国华, 黄显峰 (河海大学 水利水电学院 江苏 南京 210098) 
摘要点击次数: 1654
全文下载次数: 1297
      To explore the feasibility of regional water resources carrying capacity evaluation index system based on total quantity and intensity control, the evaluation index system of water resources carrying capacity in Pukou District was constructed based on total and intensity control, and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model was established to evaluate the carrying capacity of water resources in Pukou District, based on the analysis of the dual-control action of water resources. The results showed that the carrying capacity of water resources in Pukou District was normal in 2016, relative good in 2020 and relative good in 2025. The results correspondes with the economic and social development of Pukou District, which shows that the evaluation index system of regional water resources carrying capacity based on total quantity and intensity control is feasible in the study of regional water resources carrying capacity evaluation.
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