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任晓庆, 杨中文, 张 远, 王玉秋, 周凯文2,3, 张鲁骏.滦河流域水生态承载力评估研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(5):72-79
Evaluation of hydro-ecological carrying capacity (HECC) in Luanhe River Basin
中文关键词:  水生态系统服务  水生态承载力  WaREES框架  评估方法  指标贡献  滦河
英文关键词:water ecosystem service  water ecological carrying capacity  WaREES framework  assessment method  indicator contribution  Luanhe River
任晓庆1,2, 杨中文2, 张 远2, 王玉秋1, 周凯文2,3, 张鲁骏2 (1.南开大学 环境科学与工程学院 天津 300350 2.中国环境科学研究院河流生态保护与修复研究室 北京 100012 3.大连海洋大学 水产与生命学院 辽宁 大连 116023) 
摘要点击次数: 1573
全文下载次数: 676
      The Luanhe River Basin is an important ecological security area in China. It is urgent to carry out assessment of water ecological carrying capacity and identify the limiting factors of bearing capacity to guide the construction of ecological civilization in the basin. Based on the integrity of water ecosystem service function, this paper constructs the capacity assessment and indicator contribution quantification method from the four dimensions of “water resources-water environment-water ecology-water safety” using the WaREES framework, and carries out the application of Luanhe River Basin assessment based on the survey. The results show that the hydro-ecological carrying capacity index(HECCI) of the Luanhe River Basin is between 43.8 and 53.8, indicating the overall a critical overload situation. The special assessment showed that the water environment was in a safely loaded state (61.3), both water safety and water ecology were critically overloaded, while water resources were overloaded (22.9). The weak endowment of water resources and the high development intensity are the key shortcomings that limit the carrying capacity of the basin. The contribution rates of water resources endowment and water use index to the basin HECCI are 6.4% and 5.5%, respectively. Aquatic habitat quality, biological integrity and hydrological regulation are the main controlling factors for the critical carrying of water ecology and water safety. The proposed water ecological capacity assessment technology method is scientific and practical, and has reference value for watershed/regional water ecological environment management.
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