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周倩倩, 苏炯恒, 梅 胜, 许明华.1D/1D及1D/2D耦合水动力模型构建方法研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(5):21-25
Research on coupled 1D/1D and 1D/2D hydrodynamic model construction method
中文关键词:  洪涝模拟  SWMM  双一维模型  MIKE URBAN  二维模型; 水动力模型
英文关键词:flood simulation  SWMM(storm water management model)  dual one-dimensional model  MIKE URBAN  two-dimensional model  hydrodynamic model
周倩倩, 苏炯恒, 梅 胜, 许明华 (广东工业大学 土木与交通工程学院 广东 广州 510006) 
摘要点击次数: 1854
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      为实现高速率、精细化的洪涝模拟,以丹麦R市A区的排水系统为研究对象,构建和比较基于GIS空域建模技术及SWMM水动力耦合的1D/1D(双一维)排水模型与基于MIKE URBAN的1D/2D(一维管流和二维洪涝)耦合排水模型,对研究区的排水系统进行暴雨洪涝模拟及评估比较。研究两种模型的建模过程、模拟精度及计算效率,描述两种模型的优劣性和适用条件。结果表明:1D/1D排水模型可实现地表淹没的拓展分析,同时确保较高的稳定度和运算速度,且在较低重现期下具有较高的计算精度,适用于大尺度、应急管理且模拟精度要求相对较低的情景;1D/2D排水模型能实现地表积水的双向流动计算,具有良好的精细度,但其信息处理和计算时间较长,适用于计算环境和模拟精度要求较高的情景。研究结果将为不同情景、不同尺度的洪涝模拟提供科学依据。
      In order to achieve a high-speed and precise flood simulation, this study took the drainage system of A district in R city of Denmark as research object to construct and compare dual one-dimensional (1D/1D) drainage model by combining GIS-based spatial modeling technology and SWMM-based hydrodynamic coupling technology, and coupled one-dimensional pipe model and two-dimensional flood (1D/2D) drainage model based on MIKE URBAN. Then the flood simulation, evaluation and comparison on the drainage system of the study area were conducted. The modeling process, simulation accuracy and computational efficiency were studied to describe the characteristic and applicable conditions of the above two models. The results showed that the 1D/1D drainage model can realize the extended analysis of surface inundation with high stability and high calculation speed, and achieve high accuracy at low reappearance period, which is suitable for the circumstances of large-scale, emergency management and relatively lower simulation accuracy. The 1D/2D drainage model can realize two-way flow calculation of surface accumulated water with good accuracy, but the information processing and calculation time are long, which is suitable for the circumstances of relatively better computing environment and higher simulation precision. The research results will provide a scientific basis for flood simulation of different scenarios and scales.
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