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裴 亮, 麦荣幸, 孙莉英, 栗清亚.温室中农村废水再生滴灌过程中污染物的时空变化规律水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(4):233-236
Temporal and spatial variation of pollutants in the process of rural wastewater regenerated drip irrigation in greenhouse
中文关键词:  温室  农村废水  滴灌  污染物  渗漏
英文关键词:greenhouse  rural wastewater  drip irrigation  pollutant  seepage
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(41471229、51109197); 国务院南水北调办公室政策及技术研究中心委托项目
裴 亮1,2, 麦荣幸1,2, 孙莉英1,2, 栗清亚1,2 (1.中国科学院 地理科学与资源研究所 陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室 北京1001012.中国科学院大学 北京 100049) 
摘要点击次数: 1241
全文下载次数: 492
      在温室中采用土壤过滤系统处理后的农村废水进行滴灌,分析灌溉后土壤和渗漏水中化学需氧量CODCr、生化需氧量BOD5、全氮TN、氨氮NH3—N和全磷TP的时空变化规律。在试验区滴头正下方20 cm深度处埋设一组负压计,当负压计指示的土壤基质势低于-25 kPa时进行灌溉,每次灌水量为5 mm。实验结果表明:不同季节土壤深层渗漏水中污染物浓度由高到低依次为夏季>秋季>春季>冬季;污染物浓度随深度降低,1.5 m深度处深层渗漏水中,发现CODCr、BOD5、TN、NH3—N和TP的最高截留率分别达到76.3%~88.1%、84.2%~89.2%、69.3%~76.8%、57.3%~63.1%和69.8%~78.6%;在滴灌区域外边缘,沿着水流的水平方向,各污染物浓度衰减率逐渐增大;采用农村废水再生滴灌,深层渗漏水中TN、TP的浓度较低,调节再生废水浓度,可以控制污染物流入浅层地下水,从而防止面源污染。
      Rural wastewater treated by soil filtration system in greenhouse was used for drip irrigation, and the spatial and temporal variation rules of Chemical oxygen demand CODCr, biochemical oxygen demand BOD5, total nitrogen TN, ammonia nitrogen NH3—N and total phosphorus TP in the soil and seepage after irrigation were analyzed. A set of negative pressure meters was buried at a depth of 20 cm directly below the drop head in the test area. Irrigation was carried out when the soil substrate potential indicated by the negative pressure meter was lower than -25kPa, and the irrigation volume was 5 mm each time. The experimental results showed that the concentration decreased with depth. The concentrations of substances in the deep seepage at the different seasons were successively from high to low ranked: summer > autumn > spring > winter. The maximum removal rates of CODCr, BOD5, TN, NH3—N and TP were found to be 76.3%-88.1%, 84.2%-89.2%, 69.3%-76.8%, 57.3%-63.1% and 69.8%-78.6%, respectively, in the deep seepage at a depth of 1.5m. At the outer edge of the drip irrigation area, the attenuation rate of each substance increases gradually along the horizontal direction of water flow. Using agricultural wastewater regenerated drip irrigation, the concentration of TN and TP in deep seepage was low. By regulating the concentration of regenerated wastewater, pollutants can be controlled to flow into shallow groundwater to prevent non-point source pollution.
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