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胡焕校, 张 剑, 杨万松, 孙端阳, 陈佳乐.基于土体ε-p曲线模型的压密注浆影响半径研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(4):195-200
Influence radius of compaction grouting based on soil ε-p curve model
中文关键词:  压密注浆  土体ε-p曲线模型  非线性压缩  影响半径  现场试验
英文关键词:compaction grouting  soil ε-p curve model  nonlinear characteristics of compression process  influence radius  field test
胡焕校1, 张 剑1, 杨万松1, 孙端阳2, 陈佳乐1 (1.中南大学 地球科学与信息物理学院 湖南 长沙 410006 2.中设设计集团股份有限公司 江苏 南京 210000) 
摘要点击次数: 1181
全文下载次数: 505
      Based on the nonlinear compression characteristics of the soil around the grouting in the process of compaction grouting, the soil ε-p curve model was established, and the parameters of the curve model were determined by the conventional test parameters. The compaction grouting expansion process was simplified to the cylindrical hole expansion model, derived the theory about influence radius of compaction grouting. The influence radius of compaction grouting is related to the compression characteristics of soil itself, grouting pressure, grouting quantity and grouting depth. From the field test of compaction grouting, we established the ε-p curve model describing the soil of the compaction grouting test site, recorded the construction parameters of compaction grouting, calculated the theoretical influence radius of the compaction grouting in the test site, analyzed the results of soil pressure monitoring and reinforcement effect at different distances of grouting holes, and verified the reasonableness of the theoretical formula of the influence radius of compaction grouting. The influence radius of compaction grouting can be used to determine the reinforcement range of grouting, and it has certain guiding significance in the design and construction of compaction grouting.
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