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高 原, 王文娥, 张维乐.西法城际铁路眉县跨渭河特大桥壅水分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(4):167-171
Backwater analysis of Mei County across Wei River Bridge of Xi 'an to Famen Temple Inter-city Railway
中文关键词:  桥梁  壅水分析  桥底高程; 渭河
英文关键词:bridge  backwater analysis  bridge's bottom height  Weihe River
高 原1,2, 王文娥1, 张维乐1 (1.西北农林科技大学 水利与建筑工程学院 陕西 杨凌 712100 2.宝鸡市河务管理处 陕西 宝鸡 721008) 
摘要点击次数: 1102
全文下载次数: 557
      渭河中游河道宽浅主槽窄深,河床地形复杂,防汛形势严峻,修建跨河大桥会引起上游壅水,加剧防汛安全隐患。通过拟建西法城际铁路眉县跨渭河特大桥工程实例,针对区域新建、拟建桥梁多,防洪评价内容混乱,壅水分析方法各异的问题,对物理模型试验、数值模拟和经验简化公式法分别进行了探讨分析,确定采用简化公式法进行壅水计算。通过对4种常用桥梁壅水计算经验公式比选,确定采用铁路和公路水文规范收录公式计算,经过查阅资料,根据桥址实际情况分析,该大桥100年一遇洪水壅水高度可采用《公路工程水文勘测设计规范》推荐的曹瑞章公式计算,壅水高度为0.27 m,通过连续桥梁壅水计算及桥梁底高程复核,确定了工程的安全性。本次研究可为渭河中游安全行洪时桥梁壅水计算提供可靠的方法和依据。
      The middle reaches of Wei River are wide and main channel narrow deep which flood control situation is grim. Through the example of the proposed construction of the Xi 'an to Famen Temple Inter-city Railway Bridge, the flood control evaluation content, backwater analysis of different problems, the physical model test, numerical simulation and simplified experience formula method, respectively, are discussed in this paper. In addition, simplified formula method was selected to calculate the backwater. The railway and highway hydrological specifications included in the formula was chosen after four empirical formulas are compared and proved. The height of backwater of this bridge due to flood once in a hundred years can be calculated by Cao Ruizhang formula recommended by “Code for hydrological survey and design of highway engineering” after consulting data and analyzes the actual situation of the bridge site, and the height is 0.27 m. The safety of the project is confirmed by the calculation of the backwater of the continuous bridge and the check of the bottom height of the bridge. This study provides a reliable method and basis for the calculation of backwater of Bridges in safe flood passage in the middle reaches of Wei River.
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