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李 泽, 胡 政, 彭 普, 刘 毅.基坑稳定性的塑性极限分析上限法研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(3):230-236
Research on upper bound method of plastic limit analysis for excavation stability
中文关键词:  基坑稳定性  上限法  有限元离散  数学规划理论  安全系数
英文关键词:excavation stability  upper bound method  finite element discretization  mathematical programming theorem  safety factor
李 泽, 胡 政, 彭 普, 刘 毅 (昆明理工大学 建筑工程学院 云南 昆明 650500) 
摘要点击次数: 1844
全文下载次数: 675
      Evaluating the excavation stability is important in excavation support design.In this paper, the stability of excavations is studied by combining the upper bound theorem, finite element discretization and mathematical programming method. First, the triangular finite element is used to disperse the soil of excavations. Then according to the upper bound theorem, kinematically admissible velocity fields are established to satisfy the plastic flow constraint conditions of velocity discontinuities for common side, the plastic flow constraint conditions of triangular finite elements and the velocity boundary conditions. The objective function is established based on the internal and external energy balance equation, then the upper bound method mathematical programming model for excavations analysis are established. By solving the mathematical programming model with the help of optimization algorithm, the upper bound solution of the ultimate load and safety factor can be obtained. Finally, the effects of soil shear parameters, the depth of retaining structure and excavation depth on the overall stability of excavations are analyzed.
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