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苏定江, 姚娟娟, 胡欣逸, 张 智, 蔡松柏, 刘 存.昆明地区3种典型降雨参数对滇池环湖截污干渠调蓄城市雨水效果的影响水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(3):53-57
Effect of three typical rainfall parameters in Kunming area on urban rainwater storage in Dianchi sewage interception trunk canal
中文关键词:  典型降雨参数  截污干渠  城市雨水调蓄  SWMM  响应面  截留率
英文关键词:typical rainfall parameter  sewage interception trunk canal  urban rainwater regulation  SWMM(Storm Water Management Model)  response surface method  retention rate
苏定江1, 姚娟娟2, 胡欣逸2, 张 智2, 蔡松柏3, 刘 存2 (1.重庆市市政设计研究院 重庆 400012 2.重庆大学 城市建设与环境工程学院重庆 400045 3.中国市政工程西南设计研究总院有限公司 四川 成都 610081) 
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      基于滇池环湖截污干渠“总氮浓度阈值-控制点液位/总氮浓度通量”城市初期雨水收集调蓄技术,考察了昆明地区3种典型降雨参数对滇池环湖截污干渠(以下简称干渠)东岸段截留城市雨水径流中典型污染物效果的影响。研究采用Box-Benhnken的响应面法,分析了滇池东岸典型降雨参数——雨峰位置、降雨历时、前次与本次降雨时间间隔三因素三水平,对东岸干渠截流城市雨水径流中4种典型污染物COD, SS, TN, TP效能的影响。结果表明:3个典型降雨参数对于在“总氮浓度阈值-液位/总氮负荷通量”调蓄运行模式下的雨水径流收集率存在显著的线性、平方以及双因子交互影响,对于4种典型污染物收集率只存在线性影响。研究建立3个典型降雨参数与雨水收集率以及污染物收集率的数学模型,为干渠的雨洪高效管理提供参考。
      Based on the “TN concentration threshold-control point liquid level/TN concentration flux” urban rainwater storage method in Dianchi sewage interception trunk canal, this paper investigates the effects of three typical rainfall parameters on the retention of typical pollutants in urban runoff in Dianchi sewage interception trunk canal. The response surface method of Box-Benhnken was used to analyze the effects on the retention of four typical pollutants in urban runoff with three factors and three levels. The results showed that: three typical rainfall parameters have significant linear, square and bifactor interactions on the rainwater runoff collection rate, but only have significant linear on the four typical pollutants collection rate. The mathematical models of three typical rainfall parameters, rainwater collection rate and pollutant collection rate were established to provide reference for efficient management of storm flood in trunk canals.
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