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邓 恒, 徐国宾, 樊贤璐, 段 宇, 陈春锦.洪泽湖洪水调蓄能力研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(2):149-153
Study on the flood regulation and storage capacity of Hongze Lake
中文关键词:  调节系数  防洪  洪水调节  调蓄能力  洪泽湖
英文关键词:adjustment coefficient  flood control  flood regulation  regulation and storage capacity  Hongze Lake
邓 恒, 徐国宾, 樊贤璐, 段 宇, 陈春锦 (天津大学 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室 天津 300354) 
摘要点击次数: 1871
全文下载次数: 736
      洪泽湖在淮河流域防洪中发挥着巨大的作用,当前针对洪泽湖调蓄能力的研究较少,且不够全面。梳理了洪泽湖对洪水的调蓄过程,将洪泽湖对洪水的调蓄作用分为蓄滞作用和调节作用进行综合分析。结合1991、2003和2007年的暴雨洪水资料,对洪泽湖的调蓄能力进行了分析。洪泽湖对洪水的一次调蓄量变化不大,均为30×108 m3左右,表现出增长趋势。基于调蓄量无法充分表示洪泽湖的蓄滞作用,提出了能更准确表示湖泊对洪水蓄滞作用的参数——调节系数。洪泽湖对洪水的调节系数由0.19提高至0.21增长到0.38,表明洪泽湖对洪水的蓄滞作用逐步增强。洪泽湖对“高瘦型”和“矮胖型”洪水的调节作用明显不同,对“矮胖型”洪水的调节作用更强。提出了出湖河道的泄流能力也是洪泽湖调蓄能力的一部分,人工河道的投入使用在防洪中发挥了重要作用。泥沙淤积和人工围垦是洪泽湖调蓄能力变化的决定性影响因素。研究结果为洪泽湖调蓄能力的分析提供了理论指导和技术支持。
      Hongze Lake plays an important role in flood control in the Huaihe River Basin. At present, there are only a few incomprehensive studies researched on the regulation and storage capacity of Hongze Lake. The process of flood regulating and storing of Hongze Lake was combed, and the flood regulation and storage function of Hongze Lake was divided into storage and detention function and regulation function in this study. The flood regulation and storage capacity was analyzed based on the data of rainstorm and flood in 1991, 2003 and 2007. Hongze Lake has little change in the amount of flood storage, which is about 30×108 m3, showing a increasing trend. The reservoir volume can not fully represent the storage and detention function of Hongze Lake. The adjustment coefficient, which can represent the effect of the lake on flood storage more accurately, is proposed. The adjustment coefficient of Hongze Lake increased from 0.19 to 0.21 to 0.38, indicating that the effect of Hongze Lake on flood storage and detention is gradually strengthened. The regulation effect of Hongze Lake on the high-lean flood and the short-fat flood is obviously different, and the regulation effect on the short-fat flood is stronger. It is pointed out that the discharge capacity of the outlet channel is also a part of the regulation and storage capacity of Hongze Lake, and the application of artificial river plays an important role in flood control. Sediment deposition and artificial reclamation are the decisive factors affecting the flood regulation ang storage capacity of Hongze Lake. The research results provided theoretical guidance and technical support for the analysis on flood regulation and storage capacity of Hongze Lake.
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