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祁英弟, 靳春玲, 贡 力.基于ANP-灰色关联TOPSIS法的引水隧洞病害安全性评价水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(1):143-149
Safety evaluation of diversion tunnel disease based on ANP-Grey correlation TOPSIS Method
中文关键词:  引水隧洞  病害  安全性评价  网络层次分析法  灰色关联TOPSIS法
英文关键词:diversion tunnel  disease  safety evaluation  ANP(analytic network process)  grey correlation TOPSIS method
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51669010); 甘肃省自然科学基金项目(17JR5RA105,1506RJZA082)
祁英弟, 靳春玲, 贡 力 (兰州交通大学 土木工程学院 甘肃 兰州 730070) 
摘要点击次数: 1737
全文下载次数: 608
      为客观评价西北地区引水隧洞病害安全状态,结合西北地区引水隧洞在运营期存在的病害问题,建立引水隧洞病害安全评价指标体系。应用Super Decision软件用ANP法确定各指标权重,在传统TOPSIS法的基础上加入灰色关联理论,构建西北地区引水隧洞病害安全评价模型。运用该模型以引大入秦工程盘道岭隧洞6个典型隧洞段为研究对象进行病害安全性评价,得出各隧洞段病害安全等级。评价结果客观准确,验证了所建指标体系及模型的科学合理性,可运用于长距离引水工程安全研究方面。
      In order to objectively evaluate the safety state of diversion tunnel disease in Northwest China, the safety evaluation index system of diversion tunnel disease is established in view of the disease problems existing in the operation period of diversion tunnel in Northwest China. The weight of each index is determined by using Super Decision software and ANP method. Based on the traditional TOPSIS method, the grey relational theory is added to construct the safety evaluation model of diversion tunnel in Northwest China. The model is used to evaluate the safety of six typical tunnel sections in Pandaoling tunnel in Introducing Datonghe into Qinwangchuan Project, and the safety grade of each tunnel segment is obtained. The evaluation results are objective and accurate, which verify the scientific rationality of the established index system and model, and can be applied to the safety research of long distance water diversion projects.
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