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宋 浩 , 张 琛, 刘 明, 曾 磊, 李 瑛, 马稚桐.基于地统计学的伊犁-巩乃斯河谷渗透系数空间变异性研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(1):97-103
The spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity based on geostatistics in Ili-Kunes valley
中文关键词:  空间变异性  渗透系数  Box-Cox变换  变差函数  克里金插值  伊犁-巩乃斯河谷
英文关键词:spatial variability  hydraulic conductivity  Box-Cox transformation  variogram  Kriging interpolation  the Ili-Kunes Valley
宋 浩 1,2, 张 琛1,2, 刘 明1,2, 曾 磊3, 李 瑛3, 马稚桐1,2 (1. 长安大学 旱区地下水与生态效应教育部重点实验室 陕西 西安 710061 2.长安大学 环境科学与工程学院陕西 西安 710061 3.中国地质调查局 西安地质调查中心 陕西 西安 710054) 
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全文下载次数: 648
      渗透系数的空间变异性研究是水文地质领域研究的热点问题之一,然而伊犁-巩乃斯河谷区渗透系数的变化规律尚不清楚,一定程度上制约了该地区地下水形成演化和资源评价的研究进程。运用地统计学理论和方法,进行了伊犁-巩乃斯河谷含水层渗透系数的空间变异性分析。结果表明:伊犁河谷西部平原区的潜水含水层的渗透系数服从Box-Cox变换的正态分布,承压水的渗透系数服从对数正态分布,变差函数均符合高斯模型;采用Kriging最优值 理论进行了插值空间分析,潜水渗透系数插值结果表现为霍城县西部渗透系数偏高,伊宁县北部为渗透系数最小的区域,巩乃斯河谷地渗透系数较稳定;承压含水层渗透系数除察县附近外,总体呈现自东向西逐渐变小的特点;结合该区地形地貌和水文地质条件,划分了潜水和承压水的渗透系数分区,为地下水资源评价提供了关键水文地质参数。
      The study on the spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity is one of the hot topics in hydrogeology. However, the variation law of hydraulic conductivity in Ili-Kunes Valley is unclear yet, restricting the research on the formation evolves and resource evaluation of groundwater. In this paper, the geostatistics theory is used to analyze the spatial variability of the hydraulic conductivity of the Ili-Kunes Valley aquifer. The results showed that the hydraulic conductivity of the unconfined aquifer in the western plain of the Ili Valley obeys the normal distribution of Box-Cox transformation. The hydraulic conductivity of confined aquifer obeys lognormal distribution, and the variogram is consistent with Gaussian model. The Kriging optimal value theory was used to analyze the spatial interpolation. The results of the hydraulic conductivity interpolation showed that the hydraulic conductivity is on the high side in the west of Huocheng County, and the lowest in the north of Yining County. The hydraulic conductivity of the Kunes Valley is relatively stable. The hydraulic conductivity of confined aquifer showed that the hydraulic conductivity gradually decreases from east to west, except that the hydraulic conductivity is higher near Cha County. Combining the physiognomy and hydrogeological conditions in this area, the hydraulic conductivity division of unconfined and confined aquifer was divided, which provides a key hydrogeological parameter for the evaluation of the groundwater resources.
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