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杨 露, 王新宏, 黄修山, 眭红艳, 孙亚琴.渭河下游河道冲淤变化对洪水演进特性的影响水资源与水工程学报[J].,2019,30(1):73-79
Impact of erosion and siltation on flood evolution characteristics of Weihe River downstream
中文关键词:  洪水特性  冲淤变化  冲淤变化  河道淤积与萎缩  洪峰传播历时  洪水演进  渭河下游
英文关键词:flood characteristics  erosion-deposition variation  channel deposition and shrinkage  flood peak propagation time  flood routing  Weihe River downstream
杨 露1, 王新宏1, 黄修山2, 眭红艳1, 孙亚琴1 (1.西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利工程国家重点实验室 陕西 西安 710048
2.重庆航运建设发展有限公司 重庆 400013) 
摘要点击次数: 1707
全文下载次数: 653
      Based on the measured data of the river evolution and the flood process in the Weihe River downstream after the building up of Sanmenxia Reservoir, the impacts of the Weihe River downstream channel sedimentation and shrinkage on flood characteristics were analyzed by combining the measured data analysis, the theoretical analysis and the numerical simulation. The results showed that the Weihe River downstream channel sedimentation and shrinkage caused significant changes in the evolution characteristics of the Weihe River flood, resulting in rising the flood level, prolonging the flood peak propagation time and increasing flood peak clipping rate of the Weihe downstream. And those are also the main reason for the Weihe River downstream sedimentation and shrinkage.Due to the change of water-sediment conditions in the Weihe River downstream after 2003, that is, the flood peak discharge significantly decreased and the river channel was flushed, the floodplain discharge decreased compared to the previous. It led to decline in the flood level, shortening in the flood peak propagation time and decrease in peak-clipping rate.
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