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吴 昊, 杨晓华.水泥水玻璃注浆加固黄土隧道富水软弱段试验研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(6):196-200
Experimental study on strengthening water-rich soft section of loess tunnel by cement-water glass grouting
中文关键词:  黄土隧道  富水软弱段  水泥水玻璃注浆  注浆加固试验
英文关键词:loess tunnel  water-rich soft section  cement-water-glass grouting  consolidation test
吴 昊, 杨晓华 (长安大学 公路学院 陕西 西安 710064) 
摘要点击次数: 1448
全文下载次数: 621
      针对黄土隧道富水软弱段围岩强度低、自稳能力差,极易发生地质灾害的现状,在室内测定了水泥-水玻璃浆液不同配比下的凝结时间以及注浆加固时影响土体无侧限抗压强度因素的基础上,通过现场模拟试验,对水泥-水玻璃浆液配比、注浆压力、浆液扩散半径等技术参数和注浆加固后复合土体的强度进行了研究。结果表明:水灰比取1∶[KG-*3]1、水玻璃浓度取30~35°Be′及水泥水玻璃体积比取1∶[KG-*3]1制备的浆液凝胶时间较为合理;当土体含水率为20%、密度1.8 g/cm3、水玻璃浓度35°Be′及浆液掺入比为15%时,其无侧限抗压强度最大;现场模拟试验表明:注浆压力在0.4~1.0 MPa时,浆液的扩散半径为0.4~0.9 m,加固后土体的力学性能有了较大的改善,其极限荷载为300 kPa,变形模量为21.48 MPa。
      In view of water-rich section of the loess tunnel, which has the low strength surrounding rock, poor self-stablity and frequent geological disasteres, on the basis of measuring the gelation time of cement-water glass grout at different mixture ratio and influencing factors of unconfined compressive strength of soil during grouting reinforcement in the laboratory, authors research the technical parameters by the field grouting test, such as mixture ratio,grouting pressure,diffusion radiusof grout and grouting technology. The results showed that the reasonable amount of water to cement ratio is 1∶[KG-*3]1, concentration of water glass is 30~35°Be′ and volume ratio of cement-water-glass is 1∶[KG-*3]1. When the soil moisture content is 20% and density is 1.8g/cm3, with water glass concentration 35°Be′ and slurry ratio 15%, the maximum unconfined compressive strength is the largest. The simulation shows that when grouting pressure is 0.4~1.0MPa, the diffusion radius of the slurry is 0.4~0.9m, the mechanical properties of the soil have been greatly improved after reinforcement. Its ultimate load of the soil is 300kPa and the deformation modulus is 21.48MPa.
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