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朱墨沙, 璩继立.建筑垃圾碎末和石灰粉对上海黏土抗压强度的影响水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(5):229-235
Influence of construction waste fines and lime powder on compressive strength of clay in Shanghai
中文关键词:  黏性土  加筋土  建筑垃圾碎末  石灰粉  抗压强度  延性
英文关键词:clay  reinforced soil  construction waste fines  lime powder  compressive strength  ductility
朱墨沙, 璩继立 (上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 1622
全文下载次数: 898
      In order to overcome the low strength and high deformation characteristics of Shanghai clay, this paper studied that mixed construction waste fines and lime powder into Shanghai clay with different weight reinforcement ratios, and cured the clay with different amounts of time. Through unconfined compressive strength testing, we investigated the impact of construction waste fines and lime powder on the compressive strength of Shanghai clay. The results indicated that construction waste fines had no obvious impact on soil compressive strength, but improved the ductility of soil. The lime powder can effectively improve the compressive strength of Shanghai clay as well as soil residual strength. The compressive strength and ductility of the soil is enhanced and its brittleness is reduced when construction waste fines and lime powder are mixed into the clay. The most suitable reinforcement ratio for compressive strength of soil is 20% of construction waste fines and 4% of lime powder.
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