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姜小妮, 张 未, 程东会, 杨银科, 刘 聪, 蔡伟胜, 乔晓英.非完整大井法和水平廊道法计算矿坑涌水量水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(5):169-174
Estimation of mine water inflow using the partially penetrated virtual large-diameter well method and partially horizontal collector gallery method
中文关键词:  矿坑涌水量  完整大井法  完整水平廊道法  非完整大井法  非完整水平廊道法
英文关键词:mine water inflow  fully penetrating virtual large-diameter well method  fully penetrating horizontal collector gallery method  partially penetrated virtual large-diameter well method  partially penetrated horizaotal collector gallery method
姜小妮1, 张 未1, 程东会1,3, 杨银科1,3, 刘 聪1,3, 蔡伟胜2, 乔晓英1,3 (1.长安大学 环境科学与工程学院 陕西 西安 710054 2.中国冶金地质总局西北局五队 甘肃 酒泉 736301 3.长安大学 旱区地下水文与生态效应教育部重点实验室 陕西 西安 710054) 
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全文下载次数: 952
      The fully penetrating virtual large-diameter well method and the fully penetrating horizontal collector gallery method have been widely used to estimate the mine inflow. However, the water inflow was overestimated due to the limitation of application condition. The predicted errors of mine water inflow were systematically evaluated in the condition that the partially penetrated virtual large-diameter well and horizontal collector gallery were inappropriately generalized to the fully penetrating ones based on the measured mine water inflow in a mine. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the parameters in the partially penetrated models was analyzed. The results illustrated that the estimated mine water inflow using the partially penetrated horizontal collector gallery method accounts for 105.24% higher of the measured value, whereas that the partially penetrated virtual large-diameter well accounts for 127.24%. Moreover, the model based on the fully penetrating method, including the horizontal collector and the virtual large-diameter well, respectivoly account for 149.92% and 344.08%. It was concluded that the partially penetrated horizontal collector gallery method was more applicable to estimate the mine inflow in this mine or the mine with a similar geology condition. In addition, the sensitivity analysis for the parameters in the partially penetrated virtual large-diameter well method showed that the hydraulic conductivity had the greatest influence on the estimation of the water inflow.
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