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徐 辉, 陈维芳, 张思嘉, 陆伟鹏.生物活性剂淋洗对河道底泥重金属毒性和生态风险影响评价水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(5):74-80
Influence evaluation on toxicity and ecological risks of heavy metals in river sediment washed by bioactive agents
中文关键词:  生物活性剂; 重金属; 生物活性评价; 浸出毒性; 生态风险评价  河道底泥
英文关键词:bioactive agent  heavy metal  biological activity evaluation  leaching toxicity  ecological risk assessment  river sediment
基金项目:上海市自然科学基金项目(14ZR1428900); 上海市科委能力建设项目(13230502300)
徐 辉, 陈维芳, 张思嘉, 陆伟鹏 (上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 2029
全文下载次数: 1067
      Tessier sequential extraction procedure was employed to analyze the heavy metal speciation of river sediment. Comparisons were made of the biological availability method, leaching characteristics method, geo-accumulation index method, and potential ecological risk method of heavy metals before and after washing by bio-surfactant sophorolipid. Dissolved organic matter in sediment was also evaluated by a three dimensional fluorescence analysis. Results showed that washing by bio-surfactant greatly changed the speciation of heavy metals in the sediment. Heavy metals became less migratory thus resulting in decreased bioavailability and decreased hazard. Washing also led to less leaching and lower potential individual or comprehensive risk to eco-environment. Our results revealed that washing by sophorolipid was effective in reducing the hazardous effect of heavy metal to environment. After washing, heavy metals were more stable and presented lower risk thus washed sediment could be considered for reuse.
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