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吕婷婷, 陈界仁, 任莎莎.三峡枢纽运用后鄱阳湖的水位变化特性分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(5):41-45
Analysis of water level variation in Poyang Lake after the Three Gorges Project operation
中文关键词:  三峡水库  鄱阳湖  水位变化  枯水时间
英文关键词:Three Gorges Reservoir  Poyang Lake  variation of water level  dry time
吕婷婷, 陈界仁, 任莎莎 (河海大学 水利水电学院 江苏 南京 210098) 
摘要点击次数: 2281
全文下载次数: 1065
      为了探究三峡水库运用前后鄱阳湖水位的变化特性,分析了湖口、星子、都昌、棠荫和康山5个水文站1964-2016年的水文资料。研究结果表明:除湖口站的年最低水位为显著增大的变化趋势外,其余4站的年最高水位、年最低水位及年平均水位以及湖口站年最高水位和年平均水位均为下降的变化趋势;鄱阳湖枯水期10月份水位变幅最大,从10月至次年3月枯水水位变幅递减,除湖口站外,其余4站3月水位变幅最小;枯水期鄱阳湖区的水位变化幅度呈北高南低的状态,12月至次年3月,星子站的月均水位变化幅度小于都昌站的月均水位变化幅度,枯季湖口水位较建库前有所抬高;鄱阳湖枯水时间延长,平均延长了41 d,枯水出现时间呈波动提前的趋势。
      In order to explore the variation characteristics of Poyang Lake water level before and after the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir, the hydrological data of Hukou, Xingzi, Duchang, Tangyin and Kangshan Station from 1964 to 2016 were analyzed. The results showed that except for a significant increase in the minimum water level at the Hukou station, the annual maximum water levels, annual minimum and annual average water levels at the remaining four stations, the annual maximum and average annual water levels at Hukou station kept decreasing. The variation amplitude of water level in Poyang Lake was the largest in October and the fluctuation range of dry-water water level decreased from October to March. Except for Hukou Station, the variation amplitude of water level in March was the smallest for other four stations, the variation amplitude of water level in the north is higher than that in the south, the monthly water level change of Xingzi Station was less than that of Duchang Station from December to March next year. The water level of Hukou in the dry season was higher than before the construction of the reservoir. The dry time has prolonged for Poyang Lake and averaged extension was 41 days. The time of appearance of dry water fluctuates in advance.
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