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成 波, 李怀恩, 黄 康, 范远航.基于河道生态基流保障的农田生态系统服务价值损失量研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(4):255-260
Study on the farmland ecosystem services value loss based on the river ecological base flow protection
中文关键词:  河道生态基流保障  农田生态系统服务价值  价值损失量
英文关键词:river ecological base flow protection  farmland ecosystem services value  value loss
成 波, 李怀恩, 黄 康, 范远航 (西安理工大学 西北旱区生态水利工程国家重点实验室培育基地 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 1717
全文下载次数: 742
      河道生态基流保障的经济损失量直接决定着政府部门对生态基流保障的决策, 同时也为河道生态基流的合理保障水平提供定量依据。基于河道生态基流保障的粮食损失引起的农田生态系统服务价值损失,提出了河道生态基流保障的农田生态系统服务价值损失量的计算方法,探讨了农田生态系统服务价值损失量的变化规律,并分析了价值损失量处理办法以及粮食市场价值对其影响变化。研究表明:来水量是计算农田生态系统服务价值损失量的基础,来水量年内分配影响农田生态系统服务价值损失量;通过水权交易和生态补偿等两种方法对河道生态基流保障的经济损失量进行处理,有利于促进农田生态系统和河道生态基流保障的协调发展;同时,粮食市场价格变化也会引起农田生态系统服务价值损失量变化。
      The agricultural economic loss of the river ecological base flow protection directly determines government decision-making on the protection of the ecological base flow, and provides the quantitative basis to remain a reasonable level of the ecological river base flow protection. Based on the farmland ecosystem services value loss caused by the river ecological base flow protection grain loss, we proposed a calculation method to compute the farmland ecosystem services value loss based on the river ecological base flow protection. The change rule of service value loss of farmland ecosystem was discussed and the way of dealing with value loss was analyzed. The effect of grain market value on the loss of service value of farmland ecosystem service was analyzed. The results show that runoff is the basis to calculate farmland ecosystem services value loss, and the annual distribution influences farmland ecosystem services value loss. We can deal with the economic loss based on the river ecological base flow protection by the water right trading method and the agricultural ecological compensation method, which can promote the coordinated development of the agriculture and the river ecological basic flow, and food market fluctuation also cause farmland ecosystem services value loss change.
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