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马文津, 刘诗梦, 卫 琦, 廖林仙, 徐俊增.气候变化下黑龙江省水稻灌溉需水量变化特征水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(4):236-242
Variation characteristics of rice irrigation water requirements in Heilongjiang Province under climate change
中文关键词:  灌溉需水量  需水量变化特征  气候变化  控制灌溉  水稻  黑龙江省
英文关键词:irrigation water requirement  variation characteristics of water requirement  climate change  controlled irrigation  rice  Helongjiang Province
基金项目:国家重点研发计划子课题(2016YFC0400103); 江苏省水利科技项目(2016068)
马文津1, 刘诗梦1, 卫 琦1,2, 廖林仙1, 徐俊增1,2 马文津1 刘诗梦1 卫 琦1,2 廖林仙1 徐俊增1,2 
摘要点击次数: 1372
全文下载次数: 510
      基于黑龙江省8个典型站点60年(1956-2015)的历史气象资料,利用Penman-Monteith公式和水量平衡模型计算了黑龙江省水稻全生育期内,两种灌溉模式下(淹水和控制灌溉)的作物需水量(ETC)及灌溉需水量,并结合气象因素的变化特征,借助Mann-Kendall 检验方法分析了ETC及灌溉需水量对气象因子的响应。结果表明:ETC方面,不同灌溉模式下同一站点ETC的变化趋势基本一致,其中安达和绥化站的ETC呈下降趋势,出现“蒸发悖论”现象,嫩江、尚志和孙吴站的ETC显著上升,其余各站无明显变化。灌溉需水量方面,只有尚志站点在两种灌溉模式下均显著增加,孙吴、富锦和嫩江站仅在控制灌溉模式下呈明显上升趋势,而其余站点并没有一致性规律。总体上,相对于淹水灌溉,控制灌溉模式下有效降雨量提高了20%,灌溉需水量降幅为44.9%~52.9%,有效减少了农业生产在气候变化条件下受到的不利影响。
      Based on the historical meteorological data of eight typical stations in Heilongjiang Province in recent 60 years (1956-2015), the crop water requirement (ETC) and the irrigation water requirement of rice in Heilongjiang Province during the whole growth period under floods and controlled irrigation were investigated using the Penman-Monteith formula and water balance model. The response of ETC and the irrigation water requirement to climate change was analyzed by combining with the characteristics of meteorological factors taking advantage of the Mann-Kendall Analysis. The results indicated that, the variation tendency of ETC in the same station under different irrigation modes were basically consistent. Specifically, the ETC of Anda and Suihua stations decreased significantly, which stands for the phenomenon known as ‘evaporation paradox’; however, that of Nenjiang, Shangzhi and Sunwu showed an opposite trend and the rest stations had no obvious variation. On the other hand, the irrigation water requirement of Shangzhi significantly increased both under the two irrigation modes, but in Sunwu, Fujin and Nenjiang, it increased only under controlled irrigation, and others showed no regularity. In conclusion, compared with flooding irrigation, the effective rainfall in controlled irrigation mode increased by 20% and the irrigation water requirement were reduced by 44.9%~52.9%, which effectively reduced the adverse effects of climate change on agricultural production.
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