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张淑玲, 倪 静, 马 蕾, 李 鑫, 李 枭.冻融循环作用后水泥土及粉煤灰土的力学性能试验研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(4):196-199
Experimental study on mechanical properties of cement soils and fly ash soils after freeze-thaw cycling
中文关键词:  水泥土  粉煤灰土  冻融循环  力学性能  应力-应变关系  养护龄期
英文关键词:cement soil  fly ash soil  freeze-thaw cycling  mechanical properties  stress-strain relationship  curing age
张淑玲, 倪 静, 马 蕾, 李 鑫, 李 枭 (上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院上海 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 1713
全文下载次数: 758
      Uniaxial compression tests were carried out on cement soils and fly ash soils after the freeze-thaw cycling. The effects of the number of freeze-thaw cycles, curing period, and moisture condition on the mechanical properties of soils were investigated. The failure mechanism of soils due to freeze-thaw cycling was studied as well. The results indicated that the freeze-thaw cycling decreases the compressive strength of cement soils, especially at a large number of freeze-thaw cycles, whereas decreasing the compressive strength of fly ash soils at an early stage. The frost resistance of soils increases as the curing period increases. For a given number of freeze-thaw cycles, the compressive strength of soils with lower moisture content is greater than those with higher moisture content. Fly ash has smaller particle sizes than cement, and therefore has better performance in filling soil pores. Since the freezing temperature decreases as the pore size decreases, fly ash soils have a better frost resistance than cement soils. In actual engineering project, proper methods used to improve the frozen soils should be chosen according to the different environment of the projects, so as to meet the engineering requirements.
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