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童 祥, 张晓宏, 张俊发.调压室阻抗孔尺寸选择的研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(4):168
Research on the size selection of impedance hole of surge chamber for hydropower station
中文关键词:  调压室  阻抗孔  断面设计  调节保证计算  压力引水道
英文关键词:surge chamber  impedance hole  section design  adjustment guarantee calculation  pressure channel
童 祥, 张晓宏, 张俊发 (西安理工大学 水利水电学院 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 1654
全文下载次数: 694
      In order to study more deeply on the influence of the relationship between the impedance ratio of the impedance surge chamber and the size of the pressure channel cross section on the adjustment guarantee calculation results, this paper takes the three water diversion branch common impedance surge chamber as example, and uses the non-steady flow characteristic line method to simulate the pressure diversion system of the hydropower station. Through analysis of surge water level of surge tank, maximum rate of increase of unit speed, and relative pressure increase value of the maximum water hammer at the end of the volute, we concluded that the reasonable range of the ratio of the impedance hole area to the section area of the pressure channel is 28%~46% under the condition that the parameters of the regulation guarantee meet the requirements of the design specification. This conclusion can guide the construction of similar projects.
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