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司 政 ,程 帅, 李守义, 黄灵芝, 张 倩.轴流式机组厂房横缝水平止水布置研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(4):132-137
Study on the horizontal water sealing layout in transverse joint of the axial-flow unit hydropower house
中文关键词:  轴流式机组厂房  横缝水平止水  尾水管  蜗壳  上游连通
英文关键词:axial-flow unit hydropower house  horizontal water sealing in transverse joint  draft tube  volute  upstream connection
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51409207); 中国博士后科学基金项目(2015M582765XB)
司 政1 ,程 帅2, 李守义1, 黄灵芝1, 张 倩1 (1.西安理工大学 水利水电学院陕西 西安 710048 2.西安热工研究院有限公司 陕西 西安 710054) 
摘要点击次数: 1794
全文下载次数: 707
      Taking the dam section of the axial-flow unit hydropower house as the research object, the stress variation of draft tube and volute structure with different horizontal water sealing under operation and maintenance condition were analyzed. The results show that the tensile stress of the concrete and the steel lining in the draft tube section gradually decreased with the lifting of the water sealing, when the horizontal water sealing in transverse joint was placed in the range of the draft tube elbow section. When the horizontal water sealing in transverse joint was arranged within the volute elevation range, it was more effective than the closed solution to relieve the stress near the volute when connected with the upstream vertical water sealing. In the actual engineering project design, it is suggested that horizontal water sealing of transverse joint of the axial-flow unit hydropower house should be arranged as follows: the horizontal water sealing upstream section is arranged near the lower surface of the roof of the volute imported section and connected with the upstream vertical water sealing, and the horizontal water sealing downstream section is arranged near the top of the outlet of the draft tube divergence section.
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