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王国重, 李中原, 张继宇, 程焕玲, 郝 捷, 甘 容.基于压力-状态-响应模型的河南省水库生态安全评估水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(4):12-20
Ecological security evaluation of reservoirs in Henan Province by pressure-state-response model
中文关键词:  水库  生态安全  压力-状态-响应模型  生态综合指数  水库生态安全评估  河南省
英文关键词:reservoir  ecological security  PSR model(pressure-state-response model)  ecological comprehensive index  ecological security evaluation of reservoris  Henan Province
王国重1, 李中原2, 张继宇3, 程焕玲4, 郝 捷4, 甘 容5 (1.黄河水文水资源科学研究院 河南 郑州450004 2.河南省水文水资源局 河南 郑州450003 3.河南黄河河务局 河南 郑州 450003 4.河南省水土保持监督监测总站 河南 郑州 450008 5.郑州大学 河南 郑州 450001) 
摘要点击次数: 2375
全文下载次数: 750
      Pressure-state-response (PSR) model were applied on ecological security assessment in 22 major reservoirs of Henan Province so as to manage the ecological environment of reservoir watershed and protect the water quality. The index system of reservoir ecological security was built, the weight of each index was determined by the method of entropy value, and the station of ecological security of 22 reservoirs was evaluated by the method of ecological comprehensive index in 2005 and 2015. The results showed that: generally, the ecological composite index of reservoirs in 2015 was significantly higher than that in 2005, but the situation was not optimistic because the composite index of 22.73% reservoirs was below 0.4. The level of economic development was not directly proportional to the ecological security of reservoir, and the ecological environment of the reservoir was often poor in the area of economic developed. We conclude that: PSR model can also be adopted in the environmental ecological safety assessment of large scale and many reservoirs. We should also care for the environment while developing the economy, in order to achieve harmony between mankind and nature.
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