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于艳梅, 李芳花, 姜丽霞, 孟岩.不同淹水处理对寒地水稻生长规律及产量影响的研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(3):249-253
Effects of different flooding treatments on growth law and yield of rice in cold region
中文关键词:  淹水  水稻株高  生长规律  产量  寒地水稻
英文关键词:flooding  rice plant height  growth law  yield  rice in cold region
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31671575); 黑龙江省2017财政厅专项项目(ZN201802); 寒地高纬度区水稻综合节水技术试验研究; 寒地高纬度区水稻用水管理标准研究与制定
于艳梅1, 李芳花1, 姜丽霞2, 孟岩1 (1.黑龙江省水利科学研究院 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080 2.黑龙江省气象科学研究所 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030) 
摘要点击次数: 1586
全文下载次数: 637
      为明确不同淹水处理对寒地水稻生长规律及产量的影响,通过水稻淹水试验模拟洪涝胁迫状态,分析不同淹水深度和淹水历时条件下拔节孕穗期水稻的分蘖、株高及产量的变化规律。结果表明:当淹水深度为1/3 h时,茎蘖消亡幅度小于对照处理,淹水历时7 d比淹水历时3 d的茎蘖消亡幅度小。淹水深度为2/3 h和3/3 h时,随着淹水历时的延长,茎蘖消亡幅度逐渐增大。淹水深度逐渐增加,水稻株高增长幅度越大,淹水历时越长,水稻株高增幅越明显,株高最大增加15.4 cm,比对照处理增高5.8 cm。长时间没顶淹涝(3/3 h~7 d处理)对水稻产量危害最大,产量降低46.63%。研究结果可为建立寒地水稻洪涝致灾的阈值指标和洪涝灾害影响评估提供数据支撑。
      In order to clarify the effect of different flooding treatments on rice growth law and yield in cold region, simulation of flooding stress status was conducted through rice flooding test, and the law of tillering, plant height and yield of rice under different flooding depths and flooding durations was analyzed. The results show that when the flooding depth is 1/3 h, stem tiller extinction amplitude is less than the control treatment, and the stem tiller extinction amplitude of the flooding duration of 7 d is less than that of flooding duration of 3d.When the flooding depth is 2/3 h and 3/3 h,with the extension of flooding duration, the extent of stem tiller extinction amplitude gradually increased. When the depth of flooding gradually increased, the greater the height of rice plant growth was, the longer the flooding lasted, the more obvious the increase of plant height was. The plant height increased by a maximum of 15.4 cm, 5.8 cm higher than the control treatment. Long-time total flooding(3/3 h-7 d treatment)had the most harmful effect on the yield of rice, and the yield was reduced by 46.63%.The results may provide a data basis for establishing the threshold index of flooding disaster and assessing the impact of floods.
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