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苟富刚, 龚绪龙, 王光亚, 翁志华.长江三角洲北岸软土的不排水强度特征研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(3):225-230
Undrained strength study of soft soil in the Yangtze River north shore
中文关键词:  软土  剪切强度  不排水强度  三轴不固结不排水试验  无侧限抗压强度试验  长江三角洲北岸
英文关键词:soft soil  shear strength  undrained strength  unconsolidated undrained triaxial test  unconfined compression test  the Yangtze River north shore
基金项目:中国地质调查局地质大调查项目(1212011220005); 国家自然科学基金项目(41772327)
苟富刚1,2, 龚绪龙1,2, 王光亚1,2, 翁志华1,2 (1.江苏省地质调查研究院, 江苏 南京 210049 2.国土资源部地裂缝地质灾害重点试验室, 江苏 南京 210049) 
摘要点击次数: 1713
全文下载次数: 704
      采用三轴不固结不排水试验、无侧限抗压强度试验和快剪试验对长江三角洲北岸软土的不固结不排水剪切强度特征进行了研究。研究表明:研究区软土为碱性环境下沉积的非均质海陆交互相软土,软土剪切强度具有固有各向异性。土体制样采用垂直方向的切取试样方式,采用三轴不固结不排水试验时,土体沿45°+φuu/2这一椭圆形斜剪切面破坏,研究区土体破裂面主要集中在45.5°~ 46.3°这一区间内。根据三轴不固结不排水试验得出的抗剪指标,辅以土体单元极限平衡理计算出了土体实际剪切强度。无侧限抗压强度试验测得的土体平均剪切强度小于三轴不固结不排水试验测得平均剪切强度,这与研究区软土破坏时应力状态和摩擦强度较大有关。最后,从软土颗粒组成、矿物成分活性、微观结构等方面解释了研究区软土抗剪强度较高的原因。
      The unconsolidated-undrained shear strength of soft soil in the Yangtze river north shore were studied by three-axis non-consolidated undrained test, unconfined compressive strength test and quick shear test. The research results show that the soft soil in study area is the nonhomogeneous interactive marine soft soil deposited under the alkaline environment. Soft soil shear strength has inherent anisotropy. The soil system adopts a vertical cutting sample method, and the soil failure is along the 45°+ φuu/2 oval oblique shear plane by three-axis non-consolidated undrained test. The sample fracture surface is most concentrated in the range of 45.5°~ 46.3°. Using shear index by three-axis non-consolidated undrained test, the actual shear strength of the soil was calculated with the soil unit limit equilibrium theory. Average strength obtained by unconfined compressive strength test is less than the average strength of three-axis non-consolidated undrained test. This phenomenon is related to the stress state of failure and large frictional strength in study area. It explains the reason of high shear strength of soft soil in terms of soft soil particle composition, mineral activity and microstructure .
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