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杜晨曲, 徐国宾, 翟晶.火电厂循环水系统高位集水池水面波动数值模拟研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(3):144-149
Numerical simulation study on water surface fluctuation of high cistern in circulating water system of thermal power plant
中文关键词:  循环水系统  高位集水池  VOF模型  数值模拟  水面波动
英文关键词:circulating water system  the high cistern  VOF model  numerical simulation  water surface fluctuation
杜晨曲1, 徐国宾1, 翟晶2 (1.天津大学 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室 天津 300072 2.上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司 上海 200092) 
摘要点击次数: 2124
全文下载次数: 953
      Aiming at the phenomenon of water fluctuation in the process of water pump start and accident pump stop in the high cistern of the circulating water system of thermal power plant. By using CFD software and VOF method, the transient boundary conditions were given by UDF. The water surface fluctuations of high cistern of pressure and open flow design a power plant were simulated during the simultaneous start of the three pumps and the simultaneous shutdown. The calculation results show that under the starting condition and accident condition, the bell shaped inlet channel with an open channel, which increases the free surface area of the bell shaped suction chamber, weakens the water disturbance at the high cistern than the channel pressure bearing elbow inlet channel. In the case of water fluctuation during the start of the pump and the shutdown of the accident, it is recommended to adopt the open circulation pump layout.
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