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Aeration and hydrodynamic pressure characteristics for outer convex step in steep slope section
中文关键词:  溢洪道  外凸型阶梯  陡坡段  掺气浓度  动水压强  模型试验
英文关键词:spillway  outer convex step  steep slop section  aeration concentration  hydrodynamic pressure intensity  model test
黄智敏,付波,陈卓英 (广东省水利水电科学研究院 广东省水动力学应用研究重点实验室 广州 510635) 
摘要点击次数: 1590
全文下载次数: 655
      为了探讨溢洪道不连续外凸型阶梯陡坡段的掺气和动水压强特性,开展了坡度为1∶3阶梯陡坡段的掺气和动水压强水力模型试验。研究表明:受外凸型阶梯突体的影响,其阶梯陡坡段水流未掺气区长度比常规连续的内凹型阶梯陡坡段缩短,其水面掺气断面下游的陡坡段壁面水流掺气浓度较高和沿程增大,掺气浓度随阶梯高度增大而增加,随单宽流量增大而减小,陡坡段壁面的抗空蚀性能明显提高;阶梯陡坡段壁面动水压强随阶梯高度和单宽流量增大而增加,在阶梯高度a≤0.6 m、单宽流量q≤30 m3/(s·m) 试验条件范围内,陡坡段水面掺气断面下游的阶梯壁面动水压强值为其相应断面流速水头的45%之内。
      In order to discuss the characteristics of aeration and hydrodynamic pressure of discontinuous outer convex step in spillway steep slope section,the hydraulic model test of aeration and hydrodynamic pressure of the steps in steep slope section with a gradient of 1∶3 is carried out. The study results show that, first,affected by the body of outer convex step, the length of non-aerationzone of the steep slope is shorter than that of conventional continuous internal concave step , the water air concentration at the steep slope wall is higher and increases along the slope in the downstream of water surface aeration initial section, and the air concentration increases with the increase of the step height and decreases with the increase of the unit-width discharge,the anti-cavitation properties of steep slope wall are obviously increased.Secondly,the hydrodynamic pressure intensity of the step steep slope wall increases as the step height and unit-width dischar increase and in the experimental conditions of the step height a≤0.6 m and the unit-width discharge q≤30 m3/(s·m),the pressure value at the step steep slope wall is within limit of 45% of the velocity head of the corresponding section in the downstream of water surface aeration initial section.
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